The Handbook was converted to HTML format using the RTFtohtml and RTFtoweb conversion programs.
About The Author
Brian Kelly is the Head of User Support, Computing Service, University of Leeds. He first came across the World-Wide Web (WWW) at a workshop on Internet tools organised by the Information Exchange Special Interest Group, University of Leeds on 9th December 1992. In January 1993 the Computing Service installed the CERN httpd server on its central Unix system - this was probably the first WWW service provided by a central service in the UK academic community.
Following an unannounced visit from Robert Cailliau, one of the WWW co-developers from CERN in March 1993, the Computing Service became convinced of the importance of WWW. The Computing Service contribution to the University Open Day, held in May 1993, was centered on the World-Wide Web: for example the Open Day programme was available on WWW.
Brian has given presentations about WWW at the universities of Aberdeen, Bangor, Bradford, Kent, Oxford, Sussex and Manchester Metropolitan University. He gave a poster presentation at the first WWW '94 conference in Geneva and gave a paper on Becoming An Information Provider on the World-Wide Web at the INET 94 / JENC 5 conference in Prague in June 1994. He ran a WWW Tutorial at the Network Service Conference in London in November 1994.
I would like to thank the following for their assistance and comments on this handbook:
Bruce Altner, John D Lewis, Chris Lilley, Jim Hobbs, Ken Hensarling, Roger Horton, Jon Knight, Inke Kolb, Martijn Koster, Paul Leclerc, Neal McBurnett, Sean Martin, Eric Morgan, George Munroe, Alan Richmond, Paul Sutton, Ton Verschuren, Anne Worden, Bruce Washburn.
The author, of course, accepts responsibility for any errors in this handbook.
The author welcomes constructive comments and feedback on this handbook, which should be sent to the email address Please note, however, that the author is unable to provide individual advice or assistance.
Copyright (C) 1994 by Brian Kelly.
All rights reserved. This work may be copied in its entirety, without modification and with this statement attached. Redistribution in part or with modifications is not permitted without advance agreement from the copyright holder.