Archie Request Form

This is a form based Archie gateway for the WWW. If you don't have a browser that supports forms, you can still make a search.

Please remember that Archie searches can take a long time...

What would you like to search for?
There are several types of search:
The results can be sorted By Host or By Date
The impact on other users can be:
Several Archie Servers can be used:
You can restrict the number of results returned (default 95):
Press this button to submit the query: .
To reset the form, press this button: .

Guy Brooker
Martijn Koster

What is archie ?

"Archie" is a database of anonymous ftp sites and their contents. The software for it was written by the "Archie Group" (Peter Deutsch, Alan Emtage, Bill Heelan, and Mike Parker) at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, and they maintain the database as well.

"Archie" keeps track of the entire contents of a very large number of anonymous ftp sites, and allows you to search for files on those sites using various different kinds of filename searches.

ARNES Contact Information, August 96