THE COPPER PAN (21.1 - 19.2)
Everything is cooking in school. It is not very smart for you to neglect school because of the scouts. Get yourself together before your parents will get a note from your teacher!

THE RUCKSACK (20.2 - 20.3.)
The bad weather causes you some trouble as you cannot go through with the long-planned trip for your patrol. But, don’t you worry. Sunshine follows rain and snow.

THE ROPE (21.3. - 20.4.)
When the scarf-ring of your beloved will fall and hit the ground, you will bend to pick it up and hit the table with your head. But still, don’t give up.

Be careful how you light the fire as you, mountaineering boots, are very sensitive to heat. But you can also burn elsewhere...

THE SCARF (21.5. - 21.6.)
Beware of whom you trust your patrol secrets. Some people just want to find your weak spots.

THE KNIFE (22.6. - 22.7)
Late at night the constellation Orion will show you your life direction. Get on it as soon as possible.

THE TENT-PEG (23.7. - 23.8)
The fact that you do not attend the patrol meetings as you prefer to play the slot machines with your friends causes you nothing but harm. Get serious!

THE TENT-CANVAS (24.8. - 22.9.)
The rain will soak you to the skin but do not give up. Remain waterproof.

THE COMPASS (23.9. - 22.10)
The strong magnetic force should not drag you to the wrong direction. Stay away from the source of the magnetic attraction or , for that matter, away from any other attraction.

THE FIRE (23.10. - 22.11.)
As usually you cannot stay away from making trouble. Your touch is hot, therefore you should think before you act.

THE BOW (23.11. - 21.12.)
The bad weather and the humidity took away all your flexibility. Perhaps it would be better for you to spend these days in front of the television.

THE FLAGPOLE (21.12. - 20.1.)
As always you give the appearance of being upright and invulnerable. But in your heat even the slightest breeze gets to you. Stay away from the wind.


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