Rod straznih ognjev = RSO

The scout group “Strazni ognji” (Guarding Fires) is one of the four scout groups in Kranj. There are 600 scouts in Kranj and its surroundings, nearly 250 being from RSO. Our group is not only the largest one in Kranj but also one of the biggest and most active in Slovenia. We have a long tradition as we are going to celebrate our 45th anniversary next year. We also won a lot of prizes on various competitions.
Well, everything was not so ideal. Being a quite big scout group we became more and more organised and demanding in the last years. It was required more and more from our patrol leaders, group leaders, and from our venture scouts. We put all the stress on commitment and work and at the same time devoted less attention to having fun. We became unpaid professionals without any motivation. Luckily, everything turned for the better recently and there are great times ahead of us. We are still unpaid professionals but at the same time we have a good time. Motivation is not a problem any more.
Here are some basic information on RSO: We have 27 patrols which are separated into the scout troop and the cub pack. We also have a club named Sibice (the Matches) and a club of older scouts.
Beside on Internet you can find us in a showcase on Maister square in Kranj and in our quarters on 5, Stritar street, 4000 Kranj. Our office hours are on Mondays from 19.00 till 19.30.

Interesting things about RSO
The new and young group leaders
RSO activities
RSO newspaper “The Flames”
The Matches

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