Members in 1996: 9,100
A member of WOSM since 1994
Address: Parmova 33, 1000 Ljubljana
Phone: ++ 386 61 31 31 80
Fax: ++ 386 61 132 11 07
WWW: http://arnes.muzej.si/guest/ljzts1/index.html
E-mail: ZTS@guest.arnes.si


- The president of the Carniola province sent Pavel Kunaver to Vienna in 1913. He wanted him to get to know the scout organization and to bring the idea back to Carniola. Kunaver thought that the Vienna scouts were too military, and he was dissuaded from founding a scout organization.
- The first scout units were founded in Slovenia only after 1922. In 1923 the main Slovenian organization was established, as a part of the Yugoslavian organization. Kunaver was enthralled with the Slovenian scouts and changed from an opponent to the first chairman of the organization.
- By 1923, the Woodcraft Indians separated from the scouts. They got their final image and program in 1925. They had no military elements, less hierarchy and more Indian elements than the scouts. The world-wide Woodcraft movement developed only in Slovenia and not in other parts of Yugoslavia.
- The name “tabornik” (the camper) originates from 1924 as a common expression for scouts and Woodcraft Indians.
- After World War II, on April 22,1951, the pre-war Woodcraft Indians and scouts (together with the legendary Pavel Kunaver) founded a new organization - the Scout Association of Slovenia (Zveza tabornikov Slovenije - ZTS).
- In 1953 the Scout Association of Yugoslavia was established. ZTS joined it but kept many of its own characteristics, including the special program, badge, and the name “tabornik".
- In 1991, after the independence of Slovenia, ZTS left The Scout Association of Yugoslavia and continued its development into a modern scout organization without any political or religious influence.
- Together with the newly established Slovenian Catholic Guide and Scout Association (ZSKSS), ZTS tried to join the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM). The functioning of both organizations was closely examined and WOSM invited only ZTS to become a member. In 1994 ZTS became a member of this organization.



murni (field crickets) up to 7
medvedki in cebelice (bears and bees) 7-11
gozdovniki (woodcrafters) 12-15
popotniki (travelers) 15-21
grce (gnarls) 21 and up


The color of the shirt is sandy. On the left sleeve there are badges of ZTS and of the scout group. On the right sleeve are the Slovenian flag and badges from scout events. A membership ribbon (where the function and level of knowledge are marked) is on the left pocket. Above the pocket are proficiency badges. The scarf is in the color of the age group - yellow for the pre-cubs, red for the cub scouts, green for the scouts, blue for venture scouts and purple for the older scouts (this one is the only one without the yellow rim). Other scout associations use different scarves for each scout group, so our color system is quite unique. It has been inherited from the pre-war Woodcraft Indians. On less formal occasions a red T-shirt with a ZTS badge is usually worn instead of the sandy shirt. Other parts of the uniform are also green short or long trousers, a blue cap with a shield or a vine red beret.


The national scout centre of ZTS is "Gozdna sola" (Forest school) in Bohinj, which is a member of Europe's scout centre net. It consists of a home with 50 beds (toilets, kitchen, day-room, club room, telephone) and the camp site for 100 people. Staying there is possible all year long and if arranged it can be also available for guests who are not scouts. Accommodation is also possible at several homes or camp sites all over Slovenia, that are owned by some scout groups.


ZTS produces a monthly color magazine "Tabor". In 1997, Tabor will for the first time get two special color supplements, one for the youngest scouts and the other for the scout teenagers. Each supplement will be issued twice a year. Until now Tabor offered interesting reading for scouts of all age, but from now on it will become a magazine for venture and older scouts, while articles for younger scouts will be gathered in the supplements. An annual subscription is 85 DEM internationally.



What is interesting about ZTS is its emblem. ZTS is one of the rare scout organizations that doesn't have a lily in its sign. That also is a consequence of the Woodcraft Indians influence. The emblem represents the connection with nature (the blue color of the sky and the sea, three pine trees represent the woods) and love for the country (Triglav - the highest mountain in Slovenia), while the tee-pee and fire symbolize camping and life (3 flames * 4 logs = 12 scout laws). We express our agreement with something by murmuring and not with applauding which might disturb the peace of nature, to which we are strongly attached. Our motto is “With nature to a better man!”, and the motto of every individual is “Be prepared!”. Girl scouts represent 43% of all the members in ZTS. An interesting fact is also the youth of the leaders of scout groups and the rapid growth of the membership (to approximately 10,000 in 1997). ZTS is an open scout organization and therefore it respects and encourages the growth of every individual belief, not minding different religious believers or unbelievers, and its program therefore does not include religious activities. In its scout’s promise the word “God” is substituted by a wider term “Spiritual dimension," which the scout has to accept and develop.


Each year younger members of ZTS attend the "Joyful Meeting" (Vesela srecanja), organized in regions, and the competitions, where they test their scouting skills. The greatest challenge for venture and older scouts are The Night Orientation Competition (it grew out of a chess tournament, the control points were lit up at the beginning), The State Orientation Competition (two or three day trip with rucksacks), and many other competitions, even ski and basketball competitions. The emphasis of these competitions is on socializing and not on rivalry. Venture scout clubs cooperate with Wales, Hungary and Ireland in the project WISH, which works to introduce scouts from the EU and scouts from states which are still preparing to enter the EU. The biggest project of ZTS in 1997 is the all-Slovenian venture scout Jamboree, which will take place in Velenje in August. The preparations for the world Jamboree 1998/99 in Chile are already taking place. For some years the ZTS courses for adult leaders have been attended by the scouts from the countries, where the scout education has not been developed to such an extent. In the past there were some limitations due to the understanding of our language, but this year one of the courses will be held in English for the first time.


ZTS is a voluntary, educational, non-political organization for young people open for everybody regardless of origin, race, and belief. It functions on the basis of the world scout movement principles. It consists of 84 scout groups, regionally divided into 9 areas. The basic part of the scout group is a patrol, consisting of 6 to 8 scouts of the same age and led by an older patrol leader. Venture and older scouts found clubs. All patrol leaders must attend a one week course while the adult leaders of the scout group have to go through the adult-leader course which, combined with two personal projects, lasts for two years. ZTS has four professional employees and a special business department that deals with buying and selling scout equipment and other services needed in order to perform scout activities. ZTS pays special attention to the cooperation with the Slovenian Catholic Guide and Scout Association (ZSKSS), a smaller scout organization founded at the beginning of the 90’s. In addition, ZTS made possible attendance at the international events, organized by WOSM, by members of the ZSKSS.


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