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Agency for development initiatives - Ljubljana

The Agency for Development Initiatives - Agencija za Razvojne Iniciative - Ljubljana (ADI) promotes a holistic, integrated approach to development, encompassing aspects from economic, social and cultural spheres. ADI's approach recognises the complicated inter-connectedness of the challenges facing today's Europe. Such challenges cannot be met without a high level of co-ordination and co-operation between several spheres and actors. The Agency houses a number of independent projects which aim to address questions of development and European transition from different perspectives simultaneously. Thus, as one project concentrates on economic initiatives, another works to co-ordinate cultural exchanges such as film and music festivals, while still another focuses on the concerns of youth. Although projects may be seen to have different starting points, the ultimate goal remains the same, encouraging innovative and effective responses to the problems which arise as part of the European transition process.

The Agency's location is particularly favourable to building bridges of co-operation both internationally and regionally. History has served to give Slovenia a unique perspective on the issues of transition in East and West, and the country truly occupies a special place in the Europe. of today. However, in order to cooperate effectively, and to realise its considerable potential, the NGO community in Slovenia must be strengthened. The report "Issues for the NGO Sector in Slovenia: organisational development and the need for technical aid", prepared by Tim Dartington and Kevin Byrne in co-operation with the Charity Know How Fund (UK), Save the Children (UK) and the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (UK), states:

"There is a need for the NGO sector in Slovenia to define and develop itself. As an emerging sector it is strong, energetic and capable. There is plenty of enthusiasm, commitment and imagination...It has a lot to teach the UK and the rest of Europe. However it is currently hampered by the disparate nature of its constituents, its limited funding base, an imbalance between volunteers and professionals and the lack of agreed structures for communication between itself and others. It does not yet see itself nationally as a unit with a common interest as well as differences, although there is movement in that direction."

The Agency for Development Initiatives assists in the building of the Slovene non-governmental organisation community through 1) helping to create an aesthetic of corporate responsibility and giving, 2) building networks for support, co-operation and skills-building within Slovenia and with international partners and 3) by providing an organisational home and support for individual social, cultural, ecological and economic development initiatives.



program co-ordinator

program co-ordinator

culture programs co-ordinator

media & computer network

financial assistant

UK co-ordinator

BIH co-ordinator

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