Slovakia celebrated this January its fourth year of independence. The split of former Czechoslovakia into two states in 1993 was acknowledge by foreign observers as the peaceful act free of conflicts. Some of commentators however wondered why the separation was not preceded by referendum as in other states in analoguous situation. In fact not only commentators but the great part of citizens of Czechoslovakia wondered too. According to opinion polls in 1992 most of people in both parts of the republic were against the separation. In Slovakia only about 12% longed for independent state. It is not surprising since in the history of Czech and Slovaks one can hardly find some conflicts between them. One can say that the split was decided and realized by political representations who simply could not agree on the model of common state which would satisfy both sides. In this sense the split was accepted as the prevention of potential conflict and after some time the attitude of many people in Slovakia changed from negative to why-not-attitude. After all the character of the new Slovakia remained the same, i.e. it was still democratic state continuing in trans- formation of its economy and trying to get into EU and NATO. But what was new, was the rhetoric of leading politicians. The national principle was given the highest rank. The adjective national sounded "better" than democratic, Slovak meant more than Citizen. The language of pro-governmental press began to remind that of communistic era. Again the expressions like internal enemy or traitor became more frequent and the former "anti-socialistic element" was replaced by "anti-Slovak element". The preamble of the consti- tution of new republic stars with words "We Slovak nation..." instead of "We citizens (or people) of Slovak republic", which would be more appropriate since there are many Hungarians, Romas, Ruthenians and other nations living in thi country too. The form of introductory declaration in the constitution may seem to be a minor problem but it reflects very clearly the attitude of the present ruling coalition towards minorities. For example the "Language law" which Slovak parliament passed about a year ago, was officially articulated as necessary to secure the protection of Slovak language but apparently it was aimed at the suppression of the use of Hungarian language in public. It is sad that opposition parties which often critisize the government for its totalitarian methods are very cautious in defending the rights of minorities. In this situation only cvic organizations are fighting against all forms of nationalism. Helsinki Citizens Assembly organizes dialogues and meetings where politicians, journalists and citizens analyze together the relations of Hungarians and Slovaks in the past and in present times. It is rewarding to see how most of people in Southern Slovakia, in nationally mixed region welcome the dialogue. On the other hand there are regions where it is very difficult to organize the dialogue without being accused of anti-Slovak attitude. It is not easy to fight the propaganda spread by state TV and radio. And yet one would say that only dialogue can help in this situation. Open patient dialogue, free of accusations and suspicions. After all such dialogue was needed also in 1992 prior to split of Czechoslovakia. Apparently the will and ability of leading politicians to discuss the problems with all whom they concern is the essential part in building democracy, but it requires more time and patience than building of democratic institutions. E-mail: |
During the two week unrest period, Albania has been the scene of violent demonstration, shooting, looting, ranscaking which have never happened in the history of our country. The root cause of all this is the malgoverning of Democratic Party. It was DP which stole the votes on 26th of May, it was DP which prosecuted the oposite leaders, it was DP which promised to the people good future which turn out to be a chaos. It was the failure of get rich quick pyramid scemes which marked the begining of a social and political unrest in Albania. After the state of emergency was set in the whole territory of Albania by parliament decision three weeks ago, there is no free press anymore (no newspaper comes out), the schools of all levels are closed. There is a curfew from 7 P.M till 7 A.M. A lot of people have been killed during this period of unrest. One can hardly give an excact number of killed or injured, but it's believed to be about 100 people killed and more than 500 people injured. Most of them are killed or injured by stray bullets. During these weeks lot of people have gone to Italy illegaly using aged ships to save their lives. The number of this people is reported to be more than 11 000; Have been burnt down and destryed schools, university building, store houses, private properties, shops, saving banks, military centers etc. Because of the aggrivated situation in Alabania, a round table of all political parties (position and oposition) was held two weeks ago presided by president Sali Berisha. It has been decided in this round table to set up the Government of National Reconciliation, which should be made up of members from all political parties. By the end of june the new elections will be held. In this period the functioning of NGOs is hampered because of chaotic situation as well as the state of emergency law which restrics many of normal activities. Hopping for a beter future we really wish that the work of women's NGOs had its impact on the improvement of situation. We want all the other women's NGOs to be in our side, to understand us and to support in what we want to do. e-mail: |
WOMEN CENTER - TIRANA by Sonila Qirjaku Dear, I'm sending you some information about activities during this period that our center and other women's NGOs have done. After 3 meeting with all women's NGOs in Albania held in our office, Women's Center in coordination with other women's NGOs is working in 3 projects. * Sensibilisation campaign for the abused children and women Last February and March development made a deterioration of the situation day by day. These facts made the national and international opinion aware of what Albanian was going through so it was taken a closer look to the actual situation. International organization including UNICEF organized meeting with NGOs to extend the cooperation on the third sector of a civil society. It was realized a TV spot with messages of peace and protection for our children and their mothers. Women NGOs have taken part in two manifestations; the first one was organized by the women NGOs by directing peaceful and country love messages; the second was organized under the initiative of the NGOs Forum for the support of the Reconciliation Government by the messages of a civil society through a silent manifestation walk. To continue such activities they came together at the women Center and decided to sensitize the public opinion for the violence used during this period and with stress on women and children. In between the victims there are a lot of women and children. No one know the exact number of them. This campaign will try to touch the peoples conscience in these directions: To make women and children aware of the situation in which they are living, to fulfill the emptiness created by the lack of information that even when was small it has revived the lost hopes of people. This project foresees these tools to inform and sensitize the people: Leaflets with claims on peace, solidarity and stopping the violence against the women and children; Preparation of posters with issues against violence and guns, women and children's protection, patriotic and country love messages; TV spot for transmitting the above mentioned messages ; An eight session radio broadcast will be held ; Opening of o telephone line for information sharing during this two months project; Press conference. At the project end it will be organized a declaration and press conference ; * Appeal to all the teachers, We all women's NGOs know that the children now are without classes. They need to have books, lessons, your teaching. Working and retired teachers, we would like from you to help children in your building, in your square with classes. Do this teachers. Being together in this specific moment that our country is passing it's a important thing that everyone need and especially children * Appeal to all the women's NGOs, women members of other NGO to help us, in found raising, for creation of a small amount of money for helping women and children with problems, misfortune etc. We create a working group, with 5 women representatives from different women's NGOs who will work with this project * We are also involved in a joint statement of 30 Albanian NGOs, gathered to discuss the draft law prepared by the Ministry of Labor and Social Issues, "on non-profit organization operating in the area of employment and social services" Here are some paragraphs of declarations: .....After an initial review by some NGOs (women's NGOs) who have had an opportunity to see the draft law, we as a group think that the law suffers some deficiencies. The draft includes some provisions which will impede the ability of the government and non-governmental organizations in providing social services, its licensing provisions are too broadly defined, its goals and procedures are not clear , and it leaves out various issues such as a framework for provision of services by international organizations and religious organizations. The Albanian NGOs through this Statement express their willingness and their recommendations to undertake joint steps with the government; NGOs propose to work together with the Ministry of Labor in holding a workshop to assess the needs and interests of NGOs and government in relation to providing social services.