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Janez Vrecko



Short Biography
Born in Ljubljana, April 9th 1946. B.A. in 1965 at the Univesity of Ljubljana: Comparative literature and Literary Theory. Ph.D. in 1986 with a thesis on Slovene Avantgarde and Zenithism. Since 1978 he works at the Comparative Literature department as assistant professor. In 1991, he became Lecturer.

Research Fields
European Poetics from Aristotel to Brecht;
Slovene Avantgarde and its Relations to Zenithism, Futurism and Constructivism;
Theory and History of European poetry since Boudelaire;
Theory of Tragedy and Tragic.

Short Bibliography

Office hours: Monday 17:00

This page is maintained by Jakob J. Kenda.

Last modification: 13-May 1996