december 2000
Glasilo mreze Studentskega informacijskega centra SRCe
SRCINFO je tedensko glasilo Studentskih informacijskih centrov SRCe, ki
predstavlja razlicne informacije s podrocja studija in stipendiranja v
in R Sloveniji. Informacije so prvenstveno namenjene studentom in
ter vsem ostalim, ki so zainteresirani za do- in podiplomski studij ali
drugo obliko izobrazevanja. Vsakogar od prejemnikov tega glasila, kakor tudi
druge, ki bi zeleli postati njegovi redni narocniki, vabimo, da se aktivno
vkljucite v oblikovanje tega glasila. Svoja vprasanja, na katere bi zeleli
prejeti odgovor v tem glasilu, lahko posljete na naslov:
Ce se zelite odjaviti, posljite sporocilo na listserv@soros.si
in v
prvi vrstici napisite: UNSUBSCRIBE srcinfo.
Vljudno vas tudi vabimo, da obiscete nase strani na internetu:
V tej stevilki predstavljamo:
ZA LETO 2001 - 2002
ZA LETO 2001 - 2002
Ministrstvo za znanost in tehnologijo objavlja razpis:
Stipendij za studijsko in znanstveno izpopolnjevanje
na Nizozemskem za leto 2001 - 2002
V okviru sodelovanja v kulturi Kraljevina Nizozemska razpisuje
120 stipendij za 53 drzav za do-diplomske studente v zadnjih letnikih, ali
diplomante, ki so studij koncali v ne manj kot dveh letih, ali
znanstvenike, ki pripravljajo doktorsko disertacijo in bi zeleli studij
nadaljevati na univerzi ali ustrezni znanstveno-raziskovalni instituciji
na Nizozemskem.
Prav tako je na voljo 120 stipendij za studente nizozemskih studij.
Postopek je enak kot pri splosnih stipendijah.
Starost prijavitelja ne sme presegati 35 let.
Dolzina stipendije je odvisna od kakovosti prijave in obstojecega
sodelovanja z nizozemsko institucijo, okvirno pa naj bi trajala med 3 in
10 mesecev.
Mesecna stipendija znasa 1545 NLG, krije se tudi zdravstveno zavarovanje v
casu bivanja na Nizozemskem ter enkratni potni stroski. Izbranim
kandidatom bo krita tudi solnina do 2874 NLG. Ce je solnina visja od
navedene, mora kandidat razliko poravnati sam.
Prijave morajo kandidati v enem izvodu (A4 format, v nizozemskem ali
angleskem jeziku) poslati na Ministrstvo za znanost in tehnologijo, Trg OF
13, 1000 Ljubljana, za go. Anjo Muck, s pripisom: nizozemske stipendije,
najkasneje do 15. januarja 2001.
Skrajni rok za oddajo na nizozemsko veleposlanistvo na Dunaju je
1. februar 2001, vendar so kandidati zaproseni, naj se ne prijavljajo
direktno na veleposlanistvo.
Prijava mora vsebovati:
1. izpolnjen obrazec
2. dve priporocili slovenskih profesorjev
3. zivljenjepis
4. kopije diplom od srednje sole naprej, vkljucno z ocenami
5. pismo nizozemske institucije, kjer naj bi pisalo, kako se nameravan
studij kandidata na Nizozemskem ujema s sodelovanjem med institucijo
posiljateljico in gostiteljico
6. dokazilo (spricevalo) o znanju angleskega jezika (tisti, ki ne
govorijo nizozemsko)
7. utemeljitev studija na Nizozemskem, prilozena k obrazcu;
8. pismo z izjavo kandidata, da je v primeru, ce bo solnina za leto
2001-2002 visja od 2874 NLG, pripravljen razliko placati sam
9. fotokopijo potnega lista
Obrazci za prijavo in dodatne informacije so na voljo na Ministrstvu za
znanost in tehnologijo, Trg OF 13, Ljubljana, pri ge. Anji Muck (soba
429) ali v tajnistvu Sektorja za bilateralno mednarodno sodelovanje.
Zainteresirani jih lahko dvignejo vsak delavnik med 9. in 15. uro.
O izbiri kandidatov bo odlocal odbor za izbiro kandidatov pod vodstvom
prof. dr. D. J. Wolfsona, ki ga je imenoval nizozemski minister za
izobrazevanje, kulturo in znanost. Nuffic (nizozemska pooblascena
organizacija za implementacijo Huygens programa stipendiranja, v sklopu
katerega so razpisane stipendije) bo vse izbrane in zavrnjene kandidate
obvestila o odlocitvi po 15. juniju 2001.
Dodatna informacija:
a. Na voljo so tudi stipendije (112) za enomesecni poletni tecaj
nizozemskega jezika in kulture.
Rok za prijavo je prav tako 1. februar 2001, prijavni obrazci pa so bili
posredovani na Univerzo.
b. Na voljo so tudi stipendije (28) za enomesecni poletni tecaj s podrocja
mednarodnega javnega in privatnega prava, na Akademiji za mednarodno pravo
v Haagu (Peace Palace). Namenjene so studentom iz srednje in vzhodne
Evrope. Vloge se posljejo direktno na Akademijo.
Vec informacij je dosegljivih na naslovu: http://www.hagueacademy.nl
The Wenner-Gren Foundation Seeks Applicants for Anthropology Grants and
The Wenner-Gren Foundation pursues its two major goals -- advancing basic
research in anthropology and building an international community of
anthropologists -- through several funding programs.
The foundation is currently accepting applications for the following
- Individual Research Grants Program (deadline: November 1, May 1,
- Conference and International Symposium Program (deadline: open),
- Developing Countries Training Fellowships (deadline: open),
- Historical Archives Program (deadline: open), and
- International Collaborative Research Grants (deadline: December 1, June
1, annually).
The Individual Research Grants Program supports basic research both for
students doing dissertation fieldwork as well as post-Ph.D. scholars. To aid
international cooperation, the Developing Countries Training Fellowship
graduate study abroad, and the International Collaborative Research Program
allows anthropologists from different nations to undertake joint research.
Visit the Wenner-Gren Foundation Web site for application guidelines.
Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc.
220 Fifth Avenue, 16th Floor New York,
NY 10001-7708
Tel: (212) 683-5000
Fax: (212) 683-9151
RFP Link: http://www.wennergren.org
The Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education of Charles
University and the Economics Institute of Academy of Sciences of the Czech
Republic (CERGE-EI) in Prague invites interested persons to apply to its
program of doctoral studies in theoretical and applied economics, leading
to a PhD degree which is fully accredited in the United States and the
Czech Republic.
CERGE-EI provides modern post-graduate training in the field of economics.
The four-year program consists of two years of course work followed by two
years of supervised dissertation research. The working language of the
institution is English. CERGE-EI encourages its students to conduct part of
their dissertation research at partner institutions in Western Europe and
in North America as well as to participate in collaborative research
projects in other countries. CERGE-EI graduates have assumed positions in
governmental ministries as policy advisors, as chief economists of
international banks, and as academics at universities and research
institutions all over the world.
The application deadline is 15 March for entry into the autumn term.
Most students are granted tuition waivers and stipends for up to four years
of study - no separate application is necessary. Successful applicants will
be invited to participate in a competitive two-month preparatory semester
in July and August, after which final admissions decisions will be made.
Complete application forms and further information can be found on-line at
the following address:
Requests for printed application materials and completed applications
should be mailed to the following address:
Student Affairs Office
P.O.Box 882, Politickych veznu 7
111 21 Prague 1, CZECH REPUBLIC
Tel. (+420 2) 240 05 247, 240 05 115
Fax. (+420 2) 240 05 247, 242 27 143
E-mail: grad.stud@cerge.cuni.cz
The Harvard Law School LL.M. program is a one-year degree program that
typically includes 150 students from more than 50 countries. The philosophy
of the LL.M. program is to offer the students a broad platform to design
their own course of study within the parameters set by the Harvard Law
School faculty. Most of a student's program will be drawn from the regular
Harvard Law School curriculum - some 250 courses and seminars each year,
offered to J.D. and graduate students alike.
The Harvard Law School is currently soliciting applications for the LL.M.
program for the academic year beginning in September 2001. The deadline for
receipt of applications is January 1, 2001.
For the 2000-01 academic year, the estimated total expenses (including
tuition of $26,000, as well as travel, books, housing and living expenses)
for a single LL.M. student are at least $43,544. Admitted students who
cannot afford the cost of such a year are eligible for financial aid from
the Graduate Program. All financial aid awards are based on the applicant's
financial need.
For further information about the LL.M. program, including the application
process, application forms and instructions, and financial aid, please see:
The educational programme focuses on issues confronting modern Western
culture. Dynamic developments in science and technology have a great impact
on all areas of life. The concomitant changes generate a variety of
cultural, political and social issues. The Art and Sciences programme
concentrates on the analysis of various, often conflicting scientific and
non-scientific points of view, with particular emphasis on the arts.
Insights, methods and techniques are borrowed from philosophy, history, the
humanities and the arts. The programme is set up as a multidisciplinary
course of study intended to provide a generalised university education. The
aim is to produce graduates with a highly developed analytical capacity,
who possess the knowledge and skills to examine developments in science and
technology and changes in art and culture within their political and social
After the first (propedeutic) year, the student can choose from 5
- Visual Culture
- Theory and History of Humanity and Nature
- Political Culture
- Cultural Analysis
- Theory and History of Technology
Visual Culture
This specialisation focuses on visual culture in relation to the modern
Western world. In addition to theoretical elements (from disciplines such
as philosophy, history, social sciences and arts), the programme provides
ample scope for practical analysis and interpretation of concrete visual
Theory and History of Humanity and Nature
The central theme of this field is the influence of science and technology
on human life. Subjects will be studied through the analysis of the medical
sciences, biology, sociology, pedagogy and psychology.
Political Culture
This programme focuses on the normative and political issues confronting
modern society. These issues are examined within a broad cultural,
historical and social framework.
Cultural Analysis
This specialisation deals with the cultural changes experienced by Western
society since the beginning of the modern age and the role which
intellectuals and artists have played in this process. Students are
involved in various disciplines within this field of study: cultural
philosophy and sociology, artistic theory, literature and literary theory
and the history of culture and ideas.
Theory and History of Technology
Here the student analyses modern society and culture with particular
emphasis on the role of technology.
The theoretical investigation is based on elements present in philosophy,
sociology, history and the arts. In addition, political and practical
issues are being examined closely.
For general information on study programmes visit http://www.unimaas.nl/
This section is intended to provide foreign students with some general
information about studies in Sweden. For further information please contact
Swedish Institute at: www.si.se .
Studying a complete undergraduate programme is not a viable alternative for
students who do not have a good command of the Swedish language. To make
short-term studies more accessible to foreign students, an increasing number
courses are being taught in English. It is also possible to study during the
summer, when some courses are given in English.
To be eligible for higher studies in Sweden you must satisfy both general
basic entrance requirements and special course requirements. The course
requirements are determined by each university and institution of higher
education. These requirements may therefore vary. However, all institutions
higher education have the same special course requirements for professional
degree programmes. All foreign students are urged to apply directly to the
institution of higher education concerned for the courses and programmes.
Foreign student counsellors and the admissions office can provide the
information and forms.
To be eligible for undergraduate studies you must:
- have completed foreign upper secondary schooling (and have a document
certifying this) corresponding to the same level in Sweden;
- have skills in English, both written and oral, documented by means of an
internationally approved examination, such as TOEFL (500-550 p.), IELTS,
or the Cambridge First Certificate;
- have skills in Swedish attested by a pass grade in the nationwide Swedish
test Test in Swedish for University Studies (TISUS) or the equivalent.
applying for courses/programmes taught in English may be exempted from this
For further information contact the
Department of Scandinavian Languages at Stockholm University.
If you are considering postgraduate studies you must contact the
institution of higher education and the department teaching the subject in
question. They can give you specific information about the requirements
you must satisfy to be eligible for postgraduate studies.
- At most institutions of higher education you must have general knowledge
of Swedish to apply for undergraduate degree studies. But there are a few
exceptions. For more information, please click here:
- Foreign students from countries outside the EU/EFTA must have valid
passports and residence permits approved before travelling to Sweden. Visas
residence permits may be applied for at the Swedish embassy/consulate in the
student's home country. Residence permits for studies are granted for one
year at a time. It is not permitted to take any form of gainful employment
during term-time. When applying for residence permits
- you must have gained admission to a university or other institution of
higher education and you must be able to prove that you possess guaranteed
funding for the entire duration of studies, whether in the form of private
means or some type of scholarship;- you must plan to leave Sweden once you
completed your studies.- Citizens from the EU/EEA (except Switzerland) can
travel to Sweden and apply to the Swedish Immigration Board for residence
permits for studies within a period of three months after arrival in Sweden.
Resident permits for studies are granted for one year at a time. Such
students have the right to work during their studies. Students staying in
Sweden for less than three months do not have to apply for a
residence permit.
The applicant must have
- a valid passport/ID card
- an admission certificate
- assurance of financial support; and
- health insurance coverage
- At every university and institution of higher education there is a
student union representing the students' interest in academic and social
matters. The student unions offer accommodation, student health care,
counselling and also, in some cases, favourable insurance policies.
in a student union is compulsory, and the student pays a fee (SEK 300-400)
the local student union each term.
- Sweden has insurance agreements with some countries. Please check
with the national insurance authority in your home country whether there is
such an agreement and what it covers in Sweden. Citizens from EEA countries
have to show that they are covered by an insurance policy from their home
country (the E111 S form). If your studies in Sweden are only short-term,
please make sure that you have private insurance from your home country.
- If you stay for more than one term it is often useful to have a
temporary student identity card which may be obtained through the student
at your university. It will get you reduced admission to museums, theatres
Banks and post offices do not usually accept passports as identification.
To get a bank identity card or to open an ordinary bank account in Sweden
must have a Swedish national registration number (personnummer), consisting
your birth date plus four extra figures. To get this number you have to
register with the civil registration authorities at the Local Tax Office,
(lokala skattemyndigheten).
Source: http://www.hsv.se/
Najvecji studentski zaposlitveni projekt, ki vkljucuje stevilne aktivnosti
na temo zaposlovanja kot so seminarji, dnevi odprtih vrat v slovenskih
podjetjih in sejem zaposlitvenih priloznosti.
Vsako uspesno podjetje se zaveda, da sta upravljanje z znanjem in vlaganje
v cloveski kapital najpomembnejsa vira konkurencne prednosti. Vizija
projekta getWork je razvijati povezavo med gospodarstvom in izobrazevalnimi
institucijami, sam cilj pa vzpostaviti odnos med studenti in podjetji.
Ceprav se na prvi pogled zdi, da je projekt zanimiv samo za studente, ki
iscejo zaposlitev, organizatorji vkljucujejo tudi dijake. Zelijo jim
posredovati trende v gospodarstvu in s tem usmerjati to ciljno skupino pri
izbiri studija.
Prva aktivnost projekta getWork je Mala sola zaposlovanja, ki je nastala v
sodelovanju z Zavodom RS za zaposlovanje. Prvi sklop, pod naslovom
Nacrtovanje kariere se je zgodil 5. in 6. decembra v prostorih Fakultete za
druzbene vede, kateremu sledi drugi sklop v februarju. Seminarji bodo
namenjeni iskanju prve zaposlitve, pisanju zivljenjepisa ter pripravi na
razgovor za sluzbo, iskanju poklica in idealnega delovnega mesto dolocanju
zaposlitvenega cilja.
Spomladi getWork pripravlja dneve odprtih vrat v slovenskih podjetjih.
Dnevi so namenjeni studentom in dijakom, ki zelijo zbrati cim vec
informacij in se seznaniti z moznostmi zaposlitve. Podjetja bodo
predstavila svoje podrocje delovanja in sistem kadrovanja potencialnim
Vrhunec getWorka je izobrazevalno sejemska prireditev, kjer bodo studentje
in dijaki imeli moznost neposrednega kontakta s predstavniki podjetij.
Sejem bo potekal v Cankarjevem domu in sicer konec marca, kjer bodo
obiskovalci dobili informacije o moznosti za obcasno delo, prakso in stalno
zaposlitev in se udelezili seminarjev. Cilj sejma je vsekakor vzpostaviti
odnos med studenti, dijaki in potencialnim delodajalcem. Vstop na vse
aktivnosti projekta getWork je prost.
Idejni vodja projekta getWork je Zveza studentskih zvez in drustev za
mednarodno sodelovanje in izobrazevanje KOMISP. Skupini studentov, ki
prostovoljno ustvarjajo projekt, sta se pri organizaciji prikljucili Zveza
za tehnicno kulturo Slovenije ZOTKS in INFOS d.o.o. Pridruzili se bodo tudi
regionalni studentski klubi in regionalne dijaske sekcije po vsej
Sloveniji, ki bodo seminarje in dneve odprtih vrat organizirali na lokalni
Ce vas zanima kaj vec, se doklikajte do nas: www.getwork.org.
SRCINFO pripravljajo informatorji programa Studentskih informacijskih
centrov SRCe.
Studentski informacijski center SRCe je leta 1995 ustanovil Open Society
Institute-Slovenia, Vegova 8, Ljubljana, tel. 01 42 56 450, faks 01
42 63 329. Od januarja 2000 ga izvaja in organizira Mednarodna pisarna SOU v
Ljubljani, Kersnikova 4, Ljubljana, tel. 01/433 72 19, faks 01/433 33 48.
Student Resource Center SRCe