marec 2001
Glasilo mreze Studentskega
informacijskega centra SRCe
SRCINFO je tedensko glasilo Studentskih informacijskih centrov SRCe, ki
predstavlja razlicne informacije s podrocja studija in stipendiranja v
tujini in R Sloveniji. Informacije so prvenstveno namenjene studentom in
profesorjem ter vsem ostalim, ki so zainteresirani za do- in podiplomski
studij ali kaksno drugo obliko izobrazevanja.
Vsakogar od prejemnikov tega glasila, kakor tudi druge, ki bi zeleli
postati njegovi redni narocniki, vabimo, da se aktivno vkljucite v
oblikovanje tega glasila. Svoja vprasanja, na katere bi zeleli prejeti
odgovor v tem glasilu, lahko posljete na naslov: sonja.dular@uni-lj.si
Vljudno vas tudi vabimo, da obiscete nase strani na internetu:
V tej stevilki predstavljamo:
1. Stipendije japonske vlade za studijsko leto 2002/2004
2. Stipendije turske vlade v studijskem letu 2000/2001
3. IFME Fellowship Program
4. The Wenner-Gren Foundation Seeks Applicants for Anthropology Grants
and Fellowships
5. The Department of Politics and International Studies at Warwick (PAIS)
6. Marquette University, Graduate School
7. Postdoc Position in Applied Non-linear Control
8. The Amsterdam School of the Arts (AHK)
9. Stipendije Carnegie Sveta
10. Bogaziçi University, Summer Term
Stipendije japonske vlade za studijsko leto 2002/2004
- 2 leti (od aprila 2002 do marca 2004)
- 18 mesecev (od oktobra 2002 do marca 2004).
Prvih 6 mesecev stipendije je namenjeno studiju japonskega jezika -
obvezno, ce kandidat ne zna japonsko.
STUDIJ: podiplomski.
- slovensko drzavljanstvo,
- starost: do 35 let (rojeni po 2. aprilu 1967),
- zakljucen visokosolski studij,
- podrocje studija: tisto, ki ga je oz. ga kandidat studira,
- ze navezan stik oz. povabilo iz japonske univerze,
- dobro zdravstveno stanje.
- dve priporocili univerzitetnih profesorjev,
- "Letter of Acceptance" iz Japonske,
- opis programa studija (600 besed),
- overovljen prevod diplome v angleskem jeziku.
Sluzba za mednarodno sodelovanje, Ul. Stare pravde 6, Ljubljana
(uradne ure od 13. do 14. ure, telefon 01 232 27 76 ali 432 32 55);
- UNIVERZA V MARIBORU, Sluzba za studentske zadeve,
Krekova 2, Maribor.
Ministrstvo za solstvo, znanost in sport
Sluzba za mednarodno sodelovanje
Zupanciceva 6
1000 Ljubljana
25. APRIL 2001.
Stipendije turske vlade v studijskem letu 2000/2001
- dve 8-mesecni stipendiji za podiplomsko raziskovalno delo
- ena 2-mesecna stipendija za poletno solo turskega jezika
Podrobnejse informacije in prijavne obrazce lahko dobite na:
- Ministrstvu za solstvo, znanost in sport, Sluzba za mednarodno
sodelovanje, Ul. stare pravde 6, Ljubljana (uradne ure od 13. -14.
ure, telefon 01 232 27 76 ali 432 32 25),
- Univerza v Mariboru, Sluzba za studentske zadeve, Krekova 2,
Ministrstvo za solstvo, znanost in sport
Sluzba za mednarodno sodelovanje
Zupanciceva 6
1000 Ljubljana
25. APRIL 2001.
IFME Fellowship Program
IFME is a fellowship program for faculty from foreign medical schools.
The program provides opportunities for faculty from schools of medicine
outside the United States to study aspects of medical education that have
the potential to improve medical education in their home country
institutions and departments.
Applications will be accepted for study periods of six months to one year.
Approximately 20 fellowships will be available. Only one application can
be accepted for consideration from a home country institution.
Applications are due at the ECFMG by August 15, 2001.
Eligible areas of study include:
* educational methodology
* curriculum design
* evaluation systems
* development of basic and clinical science departments
Although the major emphasis of this program is to learn educational
processes, fellows may concurrently pursue some collaborative research
interest with U.S. basic science or clinical faculty.
Fellowships ARE NOT provided for any of the following: programs in basic
or clinical research, degree-granting educational programs, programs
that require tuition payments, grants for short-term courses or conference
attendance, specialty training in residency programs, clinical
fellowships, training solely in clinical procedures, or educational
programs in schools of public health.
Candidates for this program must:
* reside and work in their home countries at the time of application and
at the time of acceptance of the fellowship award.
* Hold an academic appointment as a faculty member in a school of medicine
or postgraduate medical education institute.
* Have a graduate or professional degree in clinical medicine or in a
basic science that is taught *in a medical education setting in the U.S.
or a professional degree in education.
* Have not less than three years of wor experience as a faculty member in
the home country following completion of their formal academic and
clinical training.
* Document competence in written and spoken English.
* Have the endorsement of a home country medical school or postgraduate
medical education institute for the proposed educational program.
* Have a position to return to in the home country medical school,
organization, or institution upon completion of the fellowship.
Candidates will be notified of the final results of the review of
applications about six months following the closing date for receipt of
Fellowship allowances generally include a monthly stipend *of $2,400,
round trip economy class airfare for the fellow only, and travel to one
scientific meeting in the U.S., as appropriate. In addition, the program
provides health insurance for the fellow and accompanying family
Further information and application forms may be obtained by written,
telephone or faxed requests to the following address:
Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates
Washington Office, Suite 475
2401 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20037
Tel: (202) 293 9320
Fax: (202) 457 0751
The Wenner-Gren Foundation Seeks Applicants for Anthropology Grants
and Fellowships
The Wenner-Gren Foundation pursues its two major goals -- advancing
basic research in anthropology and building an international
community of anthropologists -- through several funding programs.
The foundation is currently accepting applications for the following
- Individual Research Grants Program (deadline: November 1, May 1,
- Conference and International Symposium Program (deadline: open),
- Developing Countries Training Fellowships (deadline: open),
- Historical Archives Program (deadline: open), and
- International Collaborative Research Grants (deadline: December 1,
June 1, annually).
The Individual Research Grants Program supports basic research both
for students doing dissertation fieldwork as well as post-Ph.D.
scholars. To aid international cooperation, the Developing Countries
Training Fellowship funds graduate study abroad, and the
International Collaborative Research Program allows anthropologists
from different nations to undertake joint research.
Visit the Wenner-Gren Foundation Web site for application guidelines.
Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc.
220 Fifth Avenue, 16th Floor
New York, NY 10001-7708
Tel: (212) 683-5000
Fax: (212) 683-9151
RFP Link: http://www.wennergren.org
The Department of Politics and International Studies at Warwick (PAIS)
The Department of Politics and International Studies at Warwick (PAIS) is
one of the largest politics departments in the UK, with over 30 full-time
members of academic staff, including 7 full professors (as at December
1998). Our members have expertise across the full spectrum of political
science, political theory, and international studies. Areas of particular
strength are international political economy, international relations,
comparative public policy, and political philosophy. Areas of regional
expertise include Europe, China, the Asia-Pacific region, North America,
Africa, the Middle East, Latin America, the ex-Communist world. We have a
strong interdisciplinary orientation; Politics and International Studies as
understood and practised at Warwick are subjects at the heart of the social
sciences. We are also strongly committed to the importance of both
theoretical and empirical approaches to the study of social and political
issues, and to interactions between them.
The Department attracts graduate students from around the world. In 1998
there were around 160 graduate students, of whom around 70 were registered
for research degrees. Our PhD course has ESRC Mode A recognition status.
The breadth and depth of expertise in the Department is reflected in the
wide range of seminar options available in taught graduate courses;
research students are welcome to participate in these seminars.
The Department is located in a strong Social Studies Faculty with a
thriving postgraduate life. The presence of many scholars with
international reputations attracts a substantial number of graduate
students, who make up about half the student population in the Social
Studies Faculty. We also benefit from the lively tradition of
interdisciplinary co-operation and cross-fertilisation in the Social
Sciences at Warwick, which the University strongly supports. PAIS has
especially close links with Sociology, Economics, Philosophy, and Law. The
Law School and PAIS co-operated to obtain a joint Jean Monnet Lectureship
from the European Commission. Philosophy and PAIS share a jointly appointed
Warwick Research Fellow in Public Philosophy.
The Department has close working relationships with several universities
elsewhere in the world. In particular, PAIS has regular staff exchanges
with Chulalongkorn University in Thailand and close research links with
McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. Three leading academic journals
are edited from PAIS: Democratization, The Pacific Review, and Politics.
Further Information
For application forms or further information please contact:
Gloria Harris
Postgraduate Secretary
Department of Politics and International Studies
University of Warwick
UK Coventry CV4 7AL
Telephone: +44-1203-523 302
Fax: +44-1203-524 221
Email: resab@csv.warwick.ac.uk
Alternatively, contact the Graduate School
Tel: +44 (0)1203 524585
Fax: +44 (0)1203 524586
Further information on the University and its programmes can be found in
the postgraduate prospectus:
It is also possible to apply online using this application form:
Marquette University, Graduate School
Programs of Study
The Marquette University Graduate School offers doctoral degree programs
(Ph.D. or Ed.D.) in the following fields: biology; biomedical engineering;
chemistry; civil engineering; clinical psychology; counseling and
educational psychology; educational policy and leadership; electrical and
computer engineering; English; history; materials science and engineering;
mathematics, statistics, and computer science; mechanical engineering;
philosophy; and religious studies.
Master's degrees are offered in all of the above programs as well as in
accounting, advertising, broadcast and electronic communication, business
administration, communication studies, computing, counseling, dentistry,
dispute resolution, economics, engineering management, foreign languages
and literature (Spanish), health care technologies management, human
resources, international affairs, journalism, mass communication, materials
science, medieval studies, nursing (including post-master's certificates),
political science, public service (with programs in administration of
justice, dispute resolution, gerontology, and health-care administration),
speech-language pathology, and theology. Also available is an
interdisciplinary Ph.D. program that combines two or more of the
University's graduate departments, allowing the student to create a unique
doctoral program. Specific nondegree certificate programs are available in
civil engineering, dentistry, dispute resolution, educational policy and
leadership, electrical and computer engineering, mechanical engineering,
and nursing.
Professional degrees are offered in law (J.D.) and dentistry (D.D.S.). In
addition, the University offers dual-degree programs that combine a
professional (J.D. or D.D.S.) degree with a traditional graduate degree.
The Department of Biomedical Engineering offers a joint program with the
Medical College of Wisconsin that leads to a doctoral degree in functional
imaging technology. Marquette University also offers five- or six-year
bachelor's to master's degree programs in engineering, nursing, economics,
physical therapy, and physician assistant studies.
Research Facilities
Marquette's Memorial, Science, and Law Libraries contain more than 1
million volumes of books and bound journals and 10,000 serial
subscriptions. The library online catalog system, MARQCAT, provides access
to book and periodical holdings, electronic indexes to journal literature,
and directional information on library hours, staff, programs, and
services. Memorial Library also includes the Department of Special
Collections and the University Archives, which contains 6,000 cubic feet of
archival and manuscript collections and more than 6,000 rare books.
Thematic research centers and institutes include the Center for Intelligent
Control Systems, the Center for Mass Media Research, the Family Business
Center, the National Sports Law Institute, the Nursing Center, the
Parenting Center, the Bradley Institute for Democracy and Public Values,
the Hartman Family Literacy Center, the Center for Ethics Studies, the
Wisconsin Center for Addiction Studies, and the Center for Highway and
Traffic Engineering.
Financial Aid
Fellowships, assistantships, scholarships, and a wide variety of grants and
loans are available for qualified graduate students. Competition deadlines
for non-need-based University-funded financial aid are February 15 for the
fall semester, November 15 for the spring semester, and April 15 for summer
sessions I and II. Teaching and research assistantships include full
tuition and stipends that range from $10,190 to $15,160 per year in
2000-01. Numerous private grants, including the Arthur J. Schmitt, Smith
Family, and Rev. John P. Raynor, S.J. Fellowships, include stipends of up
to $12,000 and varying amounts of tuition. Need-based scholarships, grants,
loans, and work-study programs are available through the Office of Student
Financial Aid.
Cost of Study
For the 2000-01 academic year, graduate school tuition is $535 per credit
hour with the following exceptions: business administration courses, $555;
dental graduate courses, $730; graduate education courses, $385; and
English as a Second Language courses, $470 per credit hour.
Living and
Housing Costs
Limited on-campus graduate student housing is available in the form of
efficiencies ($1700 to $2100 per semester), studios ($2000 to $2200 per
semester), one-bedroom apartments ($2100 to $2500 per semester), and
two-bedroom apartments ($3599 per semester). A wide variety of off-campus
apartments are available for rents that range from $210 to $310 for studios
and $335 to $700 for one-bedroom, $420 to $895 for two-bedroom, and $450 to
$1400 for three-bedroom apartments.
Student Group
The 2,230 Marquette graduate students comprise a diverse group. Sixty-one
percent are part-time students, 45 percent are women, and 15 percent are
international students. Approximately 35 percent of the graduate students
receive financial aid through the Graduate School Office in the form of
assistantships, fellowships, and scholarships.
Marquette University is located on an 80-acre urban campus that is adjacent
to downtown Milwaukee. Approximately 75 percent of the campus is contained
within a mall area that is closed to traffic. Milwaukee offers a multitude
of cultural, social, and athletic opportunities, including art galleries,
college and professional sports teams, symphony and professional ballet
companies, and numerous thespian groups and community playhouses. The
Milwaukee lakefront is a beautiful area that hosts various musical and
ethnic fests almost continuously throughout the summer. The University's
proximity to downtown offers access to many world-class businesses,
including Harley Davidson, Northwestern Mutual Life, Allen Bradley
Corporation, and others. Many of these businesses interview regularly at
Marquette, offer internships and paid research opportunities, and serve as
sites for professional and continuing-education classes.
The University
Marquette University is an independent, coeducational institution of higher
learning that was founded in 1881 by members of the Society of Jesus, a
Catholic religious order established in 1540 by St. Ignatius Loyola.
Marquette is named after Father Jacques Marquette (1637-1675), a French
Jesuit missionary and explorer in North America. The University offers
graduate or first professional degrees in ten of its eleven colleges. While
Marquette University continues to stress the liberal arts, it offers
cutting-edge education and research in the sciences and engineering fields.
The University remains committed to offering an education marked by
intellectual excellence, the Judeo-Catholic tradition, and service to
Although Marquette does not enforce application deadlines, students are
encouraged to apply as early as possible. Application forms are available
from the Graduate School Office and must be submitted with a $40
nonrefundable application processing fee. The M.B.A. and business-related
programs require either GMAT or GRE scores, and most other programs require
GRE or MAT scores. The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is
required of all students whose native language is not English. Letters of
recommendation and personal interviews may be required. Specific
application requirements are available in the Graduate School Office,
listed in the Bulletin, and found on the Internet at the address below.
Contact Information
Office of the Graduate School
Marquette University
P.O. Box 1881
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201-1881
Telephone: 414-288-7137
Fax: 414-288-1902
E-mail: mugs@marquette.edu
World Wide Web: http://www.grad.marquette.edu
(Graduate School)
http://info.orsp.mu.edu (Research and grants)
Source: http://www.petersons.com/
Contributed by: Jus Kocijan
Postdoc Position in Applied Non-linear Control
at Department of Computer Automation and Control
Jozef Stefan Institute
Ljubljana, Slovenia
The postdoc position in applied non-linear control of dynamic systems
is available at the Department of Computer Automation and Control
for a period up to 3 years.
Applicants must have a PhD (or equivalent) degree at the time of
appointment. Candidates with background in control engineering or
applied mathematics with strong interest and previous experience in
one or more of the following areas are encouraged to apply for the
Applied non-linear control
Multi-model based modelling and control
Hybrid and switching control
Optimal control and dynamic programming
Model predictive control
Software development skills and practical experience is desirable.
The research will include theoretical studies, software development
and application studies within a group of PhD students, postdocs,
Master degree students and industrial collaborators. The project is
funded by the European Commission under a Research Training Network.
The Multi-Agent Control (MAC) network is a collaboration between the
Universities of Glasgow, Strathclyde, Maynooth, NTNU, DTU and the Jozef
Stefan Insitute (participants). The University of Glasgow acts as the
project coordinator. The post carry competitive stipend of up to
23000 EUR per year and offer possiblities of research related travel.
The European Commission requires that the candidate
is aged 35 years or less at the time of his appointment and must be a
national of a Member State of the Community or of an Associated State
(excluding Slovenia) or have resided in the Community for at least five
year prior to the appointment.
Please visit the project web site http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/mac/
for more
information. Details about the individual vacancies can be found at
If you have further questions, please contact
Dr. Jus Kocijan at Jozef Stefan Institute,
tel. +386 1 4773661, E-mail: jus.kocijan@ijs.si
Send your inquieries which should include a CV with a publication list to:
Dr. Jus Kocijan
Jozef Stefan Institute
Jamova 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
The Amsterdam School of the Arts (AHK)
The Amsterdam School of the Arts (AHK) offers higher art education and
covers a broad spectrum of disciplines: visual arts, film and television,
theatre, dance, music, architecture, museology and cultural management.
Courses are provided by five faculties, an interfaculty and three second
phase institutes.
The AHK occupies a prominent place in education, the arts and cultural
life, far beyond the boundaries of the Dutch capital city Amsterdam. 2200
students study at the AHK, 550 teachers complemented annually by 1100 guest
teachers from the Netherlands and abroad.
For a full description of our schools, the courses, the required
qualifications, the selection procedures and more, please click on their
Conservatory of Amsterdam/ Conservatorium van Amsterdam
the Theatre School/ de Theaterschool
Academy of Fine Arts/ Academie voor Beeldende Vorming (dutch only)
Reinwardt Academy/ Reinwardt Academie
Dutch Academy of Film and Television/ Nederlands Film en Televisie Academie
(dutch only)
Academy of Architecture/ Academie van Bouwkunst (dutch only)
Interfaculty of Cultural Management/ Interfaculteit Culturele
DasArts/ DasArts - Advanced Research in Theatre and Dance Studies
Maurits Binger Film Institute/ Maurits Binger Film Instituut
For general information:
Amsterdam School of Arts
P.O. Box 15079
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)20 - 527 77 00
Fax: + 31 (0)20 - 527 77 12
For information mail to info@sb.ahk.nl
Stipendije Carnegie Sveta
Carnegie Svet za eticne in mednarodne zadeve nudi pet stipendij za
programsko leto september 2001 - junij 2002.
Program je namenjen studentom, ucnemu osebju, pisateljem in tvorcem
politike s podrocja mednarodnih zadev, posebna pozornost pa bo dana
kandidatom iz drzav v razvoju.
V vlogi za stipendijo mora biti jasno izrazena povezava z naslednjimi
temami raziskav v okviru Carnegie Sveta:
clovekove pravice
okoljske vrednote
bodocnost preprecevanja konfliktov
pravicnost v svetovni ekonomiji
zgodovina in politika sprav
Rok za prijave je 30. marec 2001
Vloge sprejema:
Carnegie Council of Ethic and International Affairs
170 East 64th Street
New York, NY 10021, USA
e-posta: fellows@cceia.org
Obrazci in vec informacij na spletni strani:
Bogaziçi University, Summer Term
Istanbul, Turkey
June 25-August 7, 2001
Summer Term at Bogaziçi University is an intensive seven-week program that
includes a wide variety of courses in social and natural sciences, history,
language, engineering and education.
Summer Term is offered to all Bogaziçi students, to university graduates
and to students from other universities who fulfil the English proficiency
Course descriptions 2001:
Summer Term Office
Address: Bogaziçi University, 80815 Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey
Phone: +90 (212) 263 15 40 Ext: 2142
Fax: +90 (212) 265 98 22
E-Mail: summer@boun.edu.tr.
SRCINFO je projekt programa Studentski informacijski center SRCe, ki
ga je leta 1995 ustanovil Open Society Institute-Slovenia. Od januarja 2000
ga izvaja in organizira Mednarodna pisarna SOU v Ljubljani, Kersnikova 4,
Ljubljana, tel. 01/433 72 19, faks 01/433 33 48.
Srcinfo mailing list