januar 2001
Glasilo mreze Studentskega
informacijskega centra SRCe
SRCINFO je tedensko glasilo Studentskih informacijskih centrov SRCe, ki
predstavlja razlicne informacije s podrocja studija in stipendiranja v
tujini in R Sloveniji. Informacije so prvenstveno namenjene studentom in
profesorjem ter vsem ostalim, ki so zainteresirani za do- in podiplomski
studij ali kaksno drugo obliko izobrazevanja.
Vsakogar od prejemnikov tega glasila, kakor tudi druge, ki bi zeleli
postati njegovi redni narocniki, vabimo, da se aktivno vkljucite v
oblikovanje tega glasila. Svoja vprasanja, na katere bi zeleli prejeti
odgovor v tem glasilu, lahko posljete na naslov: sonja.dular@uni-lj.si
Vljudno vas tudi vabimo, da obiscete nase strani na internetu:
V tej stevilki predstavljamo:
1. Stipendije Ceske vlade za studijsko leto 2001 / 2002
2. Paul Celan Fellowships for Translators
3. The 3rd Baltic International Summer School 2001
4. MA in Arts Management at Sibelius Academy in Helsinki
5. The Amsterdam-Maastricht Summer University
6. The Master of Arts in German and European Studies (MAGES)
7. Salminter, Escuela Salmantina de Estudios Internationales
8. Courses for Adults in Irish Language and Culture
9. Tvoja theBEST pomlad 2001
Stipendije Ceske vlade za studijsko leto 2001 / 2002
A) 20 mesecev stipendij za podiplomsko izpopolnjevanje na ceskih
visokosolskih institucijah (dve 10 mesecni ali pet 4 mesecnih stipendij -
odvisno od stevila prijavljenih kandidatov)
- starost do 35 let
- prednost imajo kandidati z ze vzpostavljenim stikom,
soglasjem institucije oz. profesorja
- dve priporocili univerzitetnih profesorjev
- fotokopija diplome
- zdravnisko potrdilo
B) 20 mesecev stipendij za dodiplomski studij na ceskih
univerzah za studente vpisane na slovenske visokosolske zavode.
Stipendije so namenjene za dodiplomsko izmenjavo studentov in ne
za tiste, ki se zelijo vpisati oz. so ze redni studenti na ceskih
Dodatne informacije in prijavne obrazce dobite na:
Ministrstvu za solstvo, znanost in sport
Sluzba za mednarodno sodelovanje,
Ulica stare pravde 6, Ljubljana
(uradne ure od pon-pet od 13.-14. ure)
Zupanciceva 6, Ljubljana je
15. MAREC 2001.
Paul Celan Fellowships for Translators
January - June and July - December 2002
The Institute for Human Sciences (Institut für die Wissenschaften vom
Menschen or IWM) is an independent, international, and
interdisciplinary center for advanced study. IWM regularly invites
academics to translate important works in the humanities or the
social sciences from an Eastern into a Western European language, or
vice versa, or from one Eastern European language into another.
To date over 50 translators from 15 countries have been invited to
work at the Institute.
The purpose of IWM's Translation Program is to help fill the gaps in
the relevant literature in these fields, thus promoting an exchange
of ideas between the East and the West or within Central and Eastern
Europe. The program bears the name of the poet and translator, Paul
Celan, whose work - perhaps more than any other's in this century -
thrives on the diversity of European cultures and also mediates
between them.
A jury of experts meets each year to evaluate applications and select
finalists. The Program is supported by the European Cultural
Foundation, Amsterdam, and the City of Vienna. In the past, it was
also sponsored by the Central and East European Publishing Project,
Oxford (1987 - 1994), the Getty Grant Program (1994 - 1996) and the
Ford Foundation.
As a rule, finalists are invited to spend six months (January - June
or July - December) at IWM as Visiting Fellows in order to complete
their projects. IWM places a stipend of ATS 160,000 (Euro 11,627) at
their disposal which covers the expenses of their stay in Vienna and
provides them with an office, a PC, and access to IWM's in-house as
well as other relevant Viennese research facilities.
The Jury
Gottfried Boehm
Professor of Modern Art History, University of Basel; Non-Resident
Permanent Fellow of IWM
Endre Bojtar
Professor of Baltic Literatures and Head of the Department of Central
and Eastern European Literature, Institute of Literary Studies,
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
Peter Demetz
Sterling Professor Emeritus of German and Comparative Literature,
Yale University, New Haven
Malgorzata Lukasiewicz
Translator and Literary Critic, Warsaw
Klaus Nellen
Permanent Fellow, IWM
Stephan Sattler
Cultural Editor, FOCUS, Munich
Application Procedure
The applications should include the following materials:
a curriculum vitae with a bibliography of translations and other
publications, if applicable,
the author and work to be translated (from the original language) and
an explanation for the choice thereof,
exact number of pages,
a contract with a publisher for the publication of the translation or
a letter of intent from a publisher; proof that the
translator/publisher holds the rights to the translation and its
publication (or has an option for them); planned date of publication,
information on the program of the publishing house.
Works which are thematically related to IWM's fields of research and
ongoing projects will receive preferential treatment:
- Political Philosophy of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
- Gender Studies
- The Philosophy of Jan Patocka
- History of Political and Economic Ideas in Central and Eastern
Applications for Paul Celan Fellowships for Translators for the year
2001 must be submitted in English or German before February 15, 2001.
They should be addressed to IWM, Paul Celan Fellowships for
Translators, attn: Ms Iris Strohschein. Applicants will be notified
on the status of their applications by the end of April 2000.
Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen
Institute for Human Sciences
Spittelauer Lände 3
A - 1090 Vienna
Tel. (+43 1) 313 58-0
Fax (+43 1) 313 58-30
For inquiries about Paul Celan Fellowships please contact Ms. Iris
Strohschein: strohschein@iwm.at
The 3rd Baltic International Summer School
The Baltic International Summer School (BISS) is organized by Vidzeme
University College located in Northern Latvia. Vidzeme University College
is relatively new and small, established in 1996 to stop the intellectual
brain-drain of the northern region and contribute to reforms in higher
education in the Republic of Latvia. The school with its 450 students is
considered elite. Students have endured tough entrance exams and fought for
highly competitive openings at the school.
The Baltic International Summer School offers a variety of intensive
courses on Baltic matters, especially tailored for foreign students and
teachers. Due to the 50-year long Soviet occupation, the Baltic countries
are not so very well known to the outside world. The Baltic International
Summer School will help foreign participants gain a deeper knowledge and
understanding of the Baltic countries. During 3 intensive weeks courses on
a wide series of Baltic topics will be offered by university teachers and
other qualified professionals.
Courses in English:
on Baltic Politics, Northern European Nationalism
and Identity, Northern European Security and Foreign Policy, Russian
Policy in the Baltic Sea Area, Baltic Economy and Law, Baltic
History, Baltic Tourism and Geography, Baltic Folklore, Baltic Music,
Baltic Art, Baltic Philosophy, Baltic Food and Drinks, Liv History,
Culture and Language, Prussian History, Culture and Language, Latvian
Language and Literature, Estonian Language and Literature and Lithuanian
Language and Literature.
BISS students are typically housed in the dormitories in the city of
Valmiera that is within walking distance of the University buildings. These
buildings are located close to the picturesque Old City, pleasant park
areas and the beautiful Gauja River.
Students, teachers and other persons interested in the
Baltics, Baltic Sea area and Northern Europe, are offered the
opportunity of getting scholarships for taking part in the Baltic
International Summer School (BISS) from July 21st to August 12th, 2001.
Information available on: http://www.va.lv/biss/index.html
Both the Latvian Ministry of Education and Science and our university
college offer a series of scholarship for candidates from all European
Further information:
Richard Baerug
BISS co-ordinator
Vidzeme University College
Cesu iela 4
LV-4200 Valmiera
Tel: (371) 4207230
Fax: (371) 4207229
Mob: (371) 9237524
E-mail: biss@va.lv
Posted by Request:
MA in Arts Management at Sibelius Academy in Helsinki
We are pleased to inform you that the next Arts Management MA Programme
starts in autumn 2001 at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki.
The MA in Arts Management programme is designed for students who wish to
develop into skilled professional arts managers, producers, cultural
entrepreneurs etc.
The programme aims to equip students with both practical and analytical
skills needed in the evolving field in arts management. Accordingly, over
years of full-time studies in English the programme covers the framework of
arts organisations, finance and marketing, management issues in the
arts, and leadership.
The applicants are required to have at least a Bachelor of Arts
degree or equivalent, practical experience of an arts-related field,
and an adequate command of the English language.
Higher education in Finland is free of charge, ie. there is no tuition
fee. The application deadline is March 15, 2001. Please visit our
website www.siba.fi/MAartsmanagement for
further information.
Kindly forward this message to students that might be interested
in pursuing Arts Management studies in Finland.
Thank you for your cooperation!
With best wishes,
Kristiina Saalonen
e-mail: kristiin@siba.fi
Tel: +358-9-4054 500,
fax: +358-9-4054 791
Sibelius Academy
P.O. Box 86, FIN-00251 HELSINKI
The Amsterdam-Maastricht Summer University
The Amsterdam-Maastricht Summer University provides an alternative learning
space for motivated people. Participants can expect to gain knowledge
related to challenging, contemporary topics in an intense period in the
audience of international colleagues. By combining the resources of its
participating universities, the experience of its partner institutions and
the informal dynamism of its programmes, the AMSU harnesses the expertise
available from professionals from all over the world and matches them with
curious participants through a series of masterclasses, workshops and
seminars ranging from arts, language, cultural and social studies to
science, law, politics and economics. All topics are relevant for dealing
with issues of present day civil society.
The AMSU offers courses in Cultural Studies and Art History, Economics and
Politics, Health Sciences and Medicine, Language, Law and Public Policy,
Media Studies and Information Science, and Performing Arts. We work
together with a wide range of international experts in these fields to
provide our participants with the most advanced educational experience.
Further information available at:
Postal address:
The Amsterdam-Maastricht Summer University
P.O. Box 53066
1007 RB Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 20 620 0225
Fax: +31 20 624 9368
E-mail: office@amsu.edu
The Master of Arts in German and European Studies (MAGES)
The BMW Center for German and European Studies (MAGES) at Georgetown
University is devoted to the interdisciplinary studies of Europe.
The Center's primary academic program is the Master of Arts in German and
European Studies (MAGES), a two-year, full time, interdisciplinary course
of study. With no more that 20 students in each incoming class, MAGES
students receive individual attention in core courses with low enrollment.
In addition to the core curriculum, students create their own
concentrations by choosing their electives from a menu of courses offered
by the Center and visiting faculty, as well as other departments throughout
Georgetown. Students also have the option of applying for a joint
MAGES/Ph.D. in Economics, German, Government (International Relations or
Comparative Politics tracks), and History.
If you need more information, visit the Center's website at:
contact Ms Tara Cambell, Supervisor of Academic Programs
by email at campbetp@georgetown.edu.
Salminter, Escuela Salmantina de Estudios Internationales
Salminter was created in 1986 to show a modern Spain to all those who are
interested in the Spanish language and culture. Many still think of Spain
in terms of clichés. The Spaniards believe that there is no better way to
dispel this impression than by getting to know Spanish life and culture
through the Spanish language. Spain, no doubt, appeals to many people as
does LatinAmerica. At Salminter, they feel that Salamanca, through the
Spanish language, represents a bond between Europe and the Americas. At
Salminter, the experienced Spanish teachers understand and try to find
solutions to all linguistic and adaptation problems that students might
encounter in a foreign country.
Courses offered at Salminter:
- Intensive Spanish Course
- Spanish Language and Civilization
- Spanish Culture
- Business Spanish
- Preparation course for the Spanish Ministry of education
and science examination. Initial, Basic and Advanced Spanish as a Foreign
Language Diplomas (D.E.L.E.)
- Translation
- Individual Classes
- Special Programmes
Additional information:
Calle Toro, 25 - 1o
E - 37002 SALAMANCA, Espana
Tel.: +34 923 211 808
Fax: +34 923 260 263
Email: salminter@helcom.es
Courses for Adults in Irish Language and Culture
OIDEAS GAEL was founded in 1984 to promote the learning and use of Irish
and to foster Irish Culture within the Gaeltacht (Irish-speaking areas) and
elsewhere. The annual programme of courses and events achieves the further
aim of bringing together people of Irish and other Celtic backgrounds to
participate in everyday Gaeltacht life, improve their fluency in Irish and
enjoy our living culture.
CÚRSAÍ GAEILGE / Language Courses
OIDEAS GAEL Language courses are specially constructed to cater to adults
at all learning stages, including those who are more advanced but in need
of practice. Each course contains three or more levels - beginner,
intermediate and advanced - and is usually of one week's duration.
CLASS TUITION is by specialist teachers who use graded courses, supported
by modern audio-visual resources, as well as other proven methods of
language teaching. The daily schedule consists of intensive morning and
afternoon tutorials with attention directed toward spoken Irish (except for
some units at the highest level), aiming at correct pronunciation, proper
idiom and development of vocabulary, particularly contemporary. Our aim is
to foster conversational ability and fluency, with some 45 hours of tutored
sessions per course. Recreational activities such as dancing, poetry, or
guest lectures take place each evening, after which everyone can practise
Irish with people from all levels while enjoying the craic in the local
The social format of the courses ensures that people attending on their own
will quickly feel comfortable and at ease within the group.
It has been the experience of the Directors that those who have followed a
two-week programme have succeeded in achieving a marked improvement in
The courses are officially recognised by the Department of Education.
TEANGA & CULTÚR / Language & Culture
The Language & Culture Summer School provides morning language tutorial
sessions at all levels. The afternoon session consists of workshops such as
tin whistle, set dancing, hill walking, sean-nós singing, or participation
in study groups that examine particular elements of Irish Culture. All
workshops are under the direction of specialists in these activities.
Evening events include lectures on Irish folklore, poetry readings, song
and traditional music concerts.
These are organised in a bilingual form, which makes them equally
attractive to people with little or no Irish and people who have Irish. All
courses offer participants an unparalleled opportunity to enjoy an activity
holiday within a rich cultural setting.
Irish courses are organised during the year at beginner and intermediate
levels by special request.
OIDEAS GAEL also offers group study programmes for universities, companies,
social clubs and other organisations who would like specialist courses on
the Irish language, culture, archaeology, environment, folklore, weaving or
other disciplines. Combination courses are also organised by special
arrangement. Accommodation and travel can be arranged to suit particular
Further details available at:
Contact information for Oideas Gael:
Postal: Oideas Gael, Gleann Cholm Cille, Contae Dhún na nGall, Éire
Tel: +353-73-30248;
Fax: +353-73-30348
E-mail: oidsgael@iol.ie
Website: http://www.oideas-gael.com/
Tvoja theBEST pomlad 2001
Dragi student tehnicnih in naravoslovnih ved Univerze v Ljubljani!
Ponujamo ti moznost, da se udelezis ene izmed BEST-ovih aktivnosti (poletne
sole, kampi, tecaji, delavnice, job-fairi...). Za udelezbo na katerikoli
akademski aktivnosti si moras placati le pot do kraja dogajanja in letno
clanarino (3000 SIT), pri neakademskih aktivnostih pa je ponekod zaradi
visjih stroskov treba placati tudi fee. Za vse ostalo (spanje, hrana,
izleti) je poskrbljeno! Ker so na vseh dogodkih zazeleni predstavniki
cimvec narodnosti, imamo Slovenci zaradi svoje malostevilcnosti pri izbiri
veliko prednost!
Izbiras lahko med 10 akademskimi ter 4-imi neakademskimi BEST-ovimi
pomladnimi aktivnostmi:
Zadnji rok za prijavo na vecino od teh aktivnosti je 15. februar 2001.
Preberite si tudi nasvete za pisanje motivacijskega pisma:
Oglasite se v Mednarodni pisarni SOU na Kersnikovi 4 v Ljubljani (Vhod v
pisarno je na koncu hodnika, kjer se prodajajo boni) vsak torek od 20h do
21h ali v casu nasega dezuranja, ki so:
Torek, 6. 2. 2001 od 12.00 do 20.00
Sreda, 7. 2. 2001 od 12.00 do 18.00
Ponedeljek, 12. 2. 2001 od 12.00 do 18.00
Torek, 13. 2. 2001 od 12.00 do 20.00
Sreda, 14. 2. 2001 od 12.00 do 18.00
SRCINFO je projekt programa Studentski informacijski center SRCe, ki
ga je leta 1995 ustanovil Open Society Institute-Slovenia. Od januarja 2000
ga izvaja in organizira Mednarodna pisarna SOU v Ljubljani, Kersnikova 4,
Ljubljana, tel. 01/433 72 19, faks 01/433 33 48.
Srcinfo mailing list