februar 2001
Glasilo mreze Studentskega
informacijskega centra SRCe
SRCINFO je tedensko glasilo Studentskih informacijskih centrov SRCe, ki
predstavlja razlicne informacije s podrocja studija in stipendiranja v
tujini in R Sloveniji. Informacije so prvenstveno namenjene studentom in
profesorjem ter vsem ostalim, ki so zainteresirani za do- in podiplomski
studij ali kaksno drugo obliko izobrazevanja.
Vsakogar od prejemnikov tega glasila, kakor tudi druge, ki bi zeleli
postati njegovi redni narocniki, vabimo, da se aktivno vkljucite v
oblikovanje tega glasila. Svoja vprasanja, na katere bi zeleli prejeti
odgovor v tem glasilu, lahko posljete na naslov: sonja.dular@uni-lj.si
Vljudno vas tudi vabimo, da obiscete nase strani na internetu:
V tej stevilki predstavljamo:
1. 2001 Ron Brown Fellowship Program
2. 2001/2002 Vermont Studio Center/ArtsLink Central and Eastern European
3. The Lemmermann Foundation Scholarship Awards 2001
4. Program NATO: Podoktorske stipendije nato za izpopolnjevanje iz
v Veliki Britaniji
5. The Maria Pia Gratton International Award (the University of Illinois at
6. Program on Gender and Culture at Central European University
7. Oslo Summer School in Comparative Social Science Studies 2001
8. 7th International Summer School on Social Representations & Communication
9. Prosto mesto za prakso v Nemciji
10. POSEBNO OBVESTILO: Vabilo na predstavitev American College of
Management & Technology Dubrovnik (Ljubljana, Maribor, 9.
februar 2001)
2001 Ron Brown Fellowship Program
Supporting Central and Eastern European students and young professionals
for study in U.S. graduate programs and professional development through
open, merit-based competition.
The Ron Brown Fellowship Program confers graduate degrees and practical
training for qualified applicants in certain fields. The program was
established in 1994 as the Central and Eastern European Graduate Fellowship
Program and was renamed in 1996 in honor of the U.S. Secretary of Commerce
Ronald H. Brown, who died in Croatia while promoting U.S. business
interests in the Balkans. The program reflects the late Secretary's
commitment to building democracy in the region and strengthening the global
The Ron Brown Fellowship Program seeks candidates with leadership skills,
English proficiency, high academic qualifications, relevant professional
experience, and a commitment to return to their home country upon
completion of the program. Since 1994, the program has selected more than
200 individuals from Central and Eastern Europe, who have participated in
the program's unique blend of rigorous academic work at leading U.S.
universities and three-months of professional develop-ment experience.
The Sponsor / Participating Countries
The Ron Brown Fellowship Program is funded under the auspices of the
Support for Eastern European Democracy Act (SEED) through the Bureau of
Educational and Cultural Affairs of the United States Department of State.
The Insti-tute of International Education (IIE) administers it in the U.S.
American Embassies and Fulbright Commissions recruit and select candidates.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
FYR Macedonia
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro)
Academic Program
Course work is a vital part of the fellowship experience. The Ron Brown
Fellowship Program offers fully funded two-year degree programs at the
Master's level, (excluding law, which is one year, or one-year non-degree
professional development programs). The program does not support Ph.D.
studies. Eligible fields of study are:
- Business Administration
- Economics
- Educational Administration
- Environmental Policy/Management
- Journalism/Communications
- Law
- Public Administration/Public Policy
The program is intensive and places Fellows in leading institutions that
best fit their academic needs and qualifications.
Candidate Eligibility:
- Citizenship of a participating country
- Under the age of 40 at time of application
- Undergraduate degree or equivalent
- TOEFL (minimum of 550 written or 213 computer based)
- GRE or GMAT depending on field
- Two-years of relevant professional work experience (preferred)
For program and application information, program status, and procedures,
please contact the Public Affairs Section at the U.S. Embassy or the
Fulbright Commission in your country after December 1, (Participating
countries are subject to change.)
Professional Development
The program goes beyond enriching the Fellows academically. It provides
Fellows the opportunity to gain practical, hands-on experience in their
field of study during a three-month summer internship. This combination of
education and practical experience allows Fellows to make a difference at
work, in the community, and in society in their home countries. Sample
internships include: Cable News Network (CNN), Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the Kennan Institute.
For more information about the Fellowship, please contact:
U.S. Embassy/Fulbright Commission in your respective country
One two-year or two one-year fellowships will be offered to citizens of
Slovenia to pursue graduate studies (Master's Degree) in the United States.
Eligible fields of study are: business administration, economics,
educational administration, environmental management, journalism/mass
communication, law, public administration, and public policy.
You can download and print the application form from the web page:
Completed application forms and all required documents must be MAILED by
MARCH 3, 2001 to:
For Ron Brown Fellowship Program
Presernova 31
1000 Ljubljana
2001/2002 Vermont Studio Center/ArtsLink
Central and Eastern European Artists Fellowships
Call for Applications
The Vermont Studio Center (VSC) and ArtsLink are pleased to announce the
availability of three (3) one-month-long Vermont Studio Center Fellowships,
to be awarded to outstanding Central and Eastern European visual artists.
This program is made possible through the generosity of the Trust for
Mutual Understanding. Applicants who are not awarded the VSC/ArtsLink
Fellowships will be eligible for partial grants made through the Vermont
Studio Center's own grants program. The residency period for the award is
September 2001 through May 2002, with the exception of the month of
October, 2001.
Each VSC/ArtsLink award includes a month-long studio residency at the
Vermont Studio Center, round trip air travel, materials and shipping
expenses, traveler's insurance, and a 5-day visit to New York City
immediately following the studio residency, hosted by ArtsLink.
Applications for the VSC/ArtsLink awards can be found on the World Wide Web
at www.cecip.org. Applicants may also request
applications by email at
info@vscvt.org, or by telephone at (802) 635-2727.
There is no application
fee. Send the completed application along with a resume, the names of three
references, and a work sample of at least 4 slides to the Vermont Studio
Center. Please do not send glass mounts or loose negatives. Applications
must be postmarked April 1, 2001, with notification by May 15, 2001.
The Lemmermann Foundation Scholarship Awards 2001
The Lemmermann Foundation awards scholarships twice a year to University
students, who need to study in Rome to carry out research and prepare their
theses concerning Rome and the Roman culture from the Pre-Roman period to
the present day time in the classical studies.
Entry requirements:
Applicants should:
1) not be older than 30 years of age;
2) be attending a recognized University course;
3) have a basic knowledge of the Italian language.
New deadlines for sending applications - available at:
are: March 15 and September 30, 2001.
The monthly scholarship amount is established in L.1.500.000 (Italian lira).
Applicants should also attach the following documents:
1) A description of their area of study;
2) Two letters of reference containing a brief description of the student
and his/her course; one from the student's tutor/professor; and one from
the head of studies/faculty;
3) A curriculum vitae;
4) A photocopy of the student's passport or a birth certificate.
The Foundation is unable to return any documents sent by the applicants and
therefore they are advised NOT to send any original documents.
Students resident in Lazio are excluded from the award; for them it is
possible to assign an extraordinary grant for research una tantum of L.
1.000.000 (Italian lira).
About Baron Basilio Lemmermann and the history of the Foundation
in English: http://lemmermann.nexus.it/lemmermann/ebasilio.html
Further information:
Fondazione Lemmermann
c/o Studio Associato Romanelli
via Cosseria, 5
00192 Roma
tel. (+39-06) 324.30.23 - fax. (+39-06) 322.17.88
Source: http://lemmermann.nexus.it/lemmermann/index.html
Program NATO: Podoktorske stipendije nato za izpopolnjevanje iz
naravoslovja v Veliki Britaniji
Kraljevo drustvo iz Londona (The Royal Society of London), ki
administrativno vodi znanstvene podoktorske stipendije NATO v Zdruzenem
kraljestvu, nas je obvestilo, da lahko kandidati iz Slovenije od leta 1996
zaprosijo za enoletne podoktorske stipendije s podroeja naravoslovja.
Kandidati morajo imeti doktorat in ne smejo biti starejsi od 40 let. Vlogo
za stipendijo mora poleg slovenskega kandidata izpolniti tudi znanstvenik
oz. bodoei mentor iz angleskega znanstvenega instituta, ki bo sprejel
kandidata iz Slovenije, kar pomeni, da mora imeti slovenski kandidat ze
stike z angleskimi kolegi oziroma jih mora pred vlogo za stipendijo
Prijavna roka: 15. april in 15. september vsako leto.
Opozarjamo, da NATO praviloma dodeli stipendijo najvee enemu kandidatu iz
vsake partnerske drzave.
Splosne informacije: Ministrstvo za znanost in tehnologijo, ga. Barbara
Zupan, tel. 1311 107, faks 302 951, e-mail: barbara.zupan@mzt.si.
Podrobnejse informacije in prijavni obrazci: The Royal Society, 6 Carlton
House Terrace, London SW 1Y 5 AG, tel. 0171 839 5561 (Ext. 2561), faks 0171
925 2620, e-mail: ezmb016@mailbox.ulcc.ac.uk.
Source: http://www.mzt.si/mzt/med/nato/razpisi/NATOSTIP.HTML
The Maria Pia Gratton International Award (the University of Illinois at
This international award has been established at the University of Illinois
by family and friends of Maria Pia Gratton, who passed away on October 31,
1995, at the age of 47.
When she came to the United States, Pia had two small children, a degree in
math, and little grasp of the English language. Pia enrolled in classes to
learn English and computer programming, and with determination she made a
home for her family, developed close friendships and began a career in her
new country.
Those who knew Pia knew her to be a beautiful woman, a caring mother, a
loving wife, a dependable co-worker, a true friend, a conscientious
student, a patient teacher, and a daring traveler. This award continues
Pia's memory with a living tribute to her life.
Conditions and Eligibility Requirements
The award, which includes a tuition waiver and a stipend, is intended to
enable a female student from outside the United States to have an academic
and cultural experience at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Applicants must be female, no age limit; mothers are encouraged to apply.
- Preference will be given to those who have had limited opportunity to
travel outside of their home country.
- Although applicants may be residing in Urbana-Champaign at the time of
application, their normal place of residence should be outside of the
United States.
- Applicants should be eligible for admission to undergraduate or graduate
level coursework at the University of Illinois, but need not enroll in a
degree program.
- The average tenure of the scholarship is expected to be one or two
semesters, depending on individual need and availability of funds.
- A completed application form must be received no later than March 19,
2001 at 5PM.
- The ten finalists for this award will be notified and asked to provide 2
letters of reference.
- Emphasis will be given to the personal statement. Applicant must be able
to demonstrate how her personal qualities and experiences relate to the
To Learn more about the spirit and personality of Maria Pia Gratton, you
are invited to visit the following
The Maria Pia Gratton International Award Application form download:
GrattonAwardApplication2001.html (HTML Format)
Please e-mail any questions, comments or suggestions to OISA@uiuc.edu
Program on Gender and Culture at Central European University
The Program
The Program on Gender and Culture seeks to attract students and young
scholars from a wide range of disciplines in social sciences and humanities
and with a genuine interest in gender studies and interdisciplinarity.
Gender has been established in the last decades as one of the basic
categories of scholarly analysis, offering insight into the dynamics and
intricacies of social and cultural change and promoting the production of
socially relevant knowledge. Gender and women's studies are devoted to the
critique of dominant patterns of the construction of knowledge and to
social critique. Gender and women's studies are intended to contribute to a
better understanding of the construction, the meaning and the consequences
of gender and of the relation between male and female in society, culture
and systems of knowledge. Gender studies (for example) analyzes systems of
hierarchy, asymmetry, equality and difference, reciprocity and
subordination. Focusing on gender in this sense means focusing on social
systems as a whole.
With Central and Eastern Europe as its focal point, the Program on Gender
and Culture seeks to promote gender studies of local and at the same time
global relevance. Analyzing gender in Central and Eastern Europe goes
beyond looking at the region as something "backward" in comparison to the
"West" or alternatively as something "specific" stemming from
factors. The complexity of gender is therefore understood as a product of
the often unequal entangling of global and local forces in the region.
Accounting for diversity in this sense again means focusing on the whole.
The program is registered to grant the Master of Arts degree in Gender
Studies by the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York
(US). MPhil students receive a degree from the Open University London, and
CEU is the sponsoring establishment. The PhD in Comparative History of
Central, Southeastern and Eastern Europe is also accredited by the Board of
Regents of the University of the State of New York (US), and students may
pursue a specialization in Gender Studies in the framework of this PhD
program offered by the History Department. In addition, the Program on
Gender and Culture offers a specialization for CEU doctoral students and
supports PhD-level visiting fellows through the Doctoral Support Program.
Graduates of this program are eligible to apply to Cambridge University for
a full PhD course of study sponsored in part by Central European University.
Entry Requirements
Interested individuals may apply by following the general CEU application
Doctoral Support Program candidates should also submit: 1) a three- to
five-page description of their PhD thesis including research questions,
theory and methodology, and the current status of the project; 2) a one- to
two-page proposal of research to be carried out at CEU; 3) a letter of
support from their PhD supervisor.
In addition to meeting the general CEU admissions requirements, applicants
to the PhD program should submit letters of recommendation from three
professors familiar with their post-graduate work and a three-page research
proposal. Interested students should apply through the Admissions Office of
CEU to the Program on Gender and Culture. The deadline for external
applications is 15 February 2001, and 30 March 2001 for CEU and former CEU
Degree offered:
Master of Arts in Gender Studies;
Option to pursue The Open University London MPhil
PhD in Comparative History of Central, Southeastern and Eastern Europe
(Specialization in Gender Studies)
Average length of study:
MA: ten months;
MPhil: two years;
PhD: three years
Graduation requirements:
MA: 32 course credits; thesis writing/research colloquium (4 credits);
Master's thesis and its defense (4 credits)
MPhil: 18 course credits; two terms MPhil seminar (2 credits); 120 page
MPhil thesis and its defense
PhD: a total of 56 credits (including coursework, research, consultation,
seminar, writing and teaching credits); PhD thesis and its defense
Further information:
Central European University
Office of Admissions
Nádor u. 9
1051 Budapest
Tel: (36-1) 327-3009, 327-3272
Fax: (36-1) 327-3211
Email: admissions@ceu.hu
Source: http://www.ceu.hu/misc/admissions/GENDER.htm
Oslo Summer School in Comparative Social Science Studies 2001
The evolution of a post-Cold War Europe in the 1990s entails both processes
of integration and disintegration. Integration radically changes relations
between citizens, the nation-state and supranational structures.
Disintegration challenges the social cohesion of old and new societies.
These problems call for the expertise of social science. But European
social science has to a great extent been confined to the nation-state.
Social science must return to truly comparative studies. Comparative
studies and methodology provide the obvious point of departure for social
scientists wishing to address the problems of the New Europe.
The Oslo Summer School in Comparative Social Science Studies provides
post-graduate courses. It was initiated in 1992 to further international
contact among students and researchers working within comparative social
science and is being held for the 9th time in 2001.
Funding for the Oslo Summer School has been provided by the Norwegian
Research Council, the Nordic Academy for Advanced Study (NorFA), the
Department of International Relations and the Faculty of Social Sciences.
The Oslo Summer School in Comparative Social Science Studies aims to cover
all social science diciplines. The following disciplines are represented in
- sociology
- human geography
- political science
- economics
- education
- social anthropology
Main Objectives of the Oslo Summer School
- to provide advanced training for young European researchers at the
post-graduate and post-doctoral level
- to offer Ph.D.-courses at the highest international level, drawing on
top-ranking experts, whether they be Europeans or from other parts of the
- to cover all of the social sciences, and to encourage interdisciplinary
- to inspire young researchers to take up comparative projects at as early
a point as possible in their careers
- to contribute to denser networks between European social scientists and
research institutions working with various types of comparative social
Target Groups
The School's main target group is doctoral students with an interest in
comparative social sciences attached to a doctoral program at a university.
In addition, researchers, research scholars and advanced students working
within the field of comparative social science, research methods, and
methodology are welcome to apply for admission to the courses.
Further information:
Oslo Summer School 2001
The Faculty of Social Sciences
P. O. Box 1084 Blindern
N-0317 Oslo
Contact person
Executive Officer Tron Harald Torneby
The Faculty of Social Sciences
P. O. Box 1084 Blindern
N-0317 Oslo
Fax: + 47 22 85 48 25; Phone: + 47 22 85 44 49
E-mail: t.h.torneby@sv.uio.no
Source: http://www.sv.uio.no/sv/oss/
7th International Summer School on Social Representations & Communication
Rome, 3-10 June 2001
Communication: Media, Social Interactions and Social Representations.
In 2001 a new cycle of International Summer Schools (2001-2003), promoted
by the co-ordinator of the Euro PhD on S.R. & C., will begin. This cycle
will focus on the themes and the main theoretical paradigms addressed in
the first cycle (Social Representations research areas theory), by
concentrating on the area of communication and by widening the theoretical
perspective towards multidisciplinary approaches. The general theme is
Communication: Media, Social Interactions and Social Representations. The
7th International Summer School will be devoted to provide a theoretical
multi-disciplinary framework for the theme.
The International Summer School's link with the Euro PhD on S.R. & C.
ensures participation by young researchers from 13 partner Universities in
the EuroPhD network in 8 different countries. However, the programme is
also open to students of any country, not just the EU, and as with previous
Summer Schools, interaction between researchers from Member States and
Associated States will be encouraged, as well as the participation of a few
researchers working outside Europe.
Beside the participation of the teaching staff of the Euro PhD on S.R. &
C., and the founder of the theory, Prof. Serge Moscovici, following experts
have been invited to present a lecture (to be confirmed):
Prof. Daniel Dayan, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (Paris,
Prof. Ivana Markova, University of Sterling, UK
Prof. Bernard Schiele, Université du Québec a Montréal, Canada
The programme will also include evaluation of EuroPhD theses final reports
by the Euro PhD committee as well as presentation of current projects by
other participants in the Euro PhD.
Prof. Annamaria Silvana de Rosa
European PhD on Social Representations and Communication
Prosto mesto za prakso v Nemciji
SOU v Ljubljani, Mednarodna pisarna, v sodelovanju z Univerzo v Magdeburgu
objavlja eno prosto mesto za prakso v Nemciji v okviru programa Leonardo,
pri cemer je nujno, da se praksa zakljuci najkasneje z 31. julijem 2001, in
traja najmanj 3 mesece.
Zbrali bomo prijave vec kandidatov, koncno izbiro pa bodo opravili v
Informacije o praksah so na voljo na:
in sicer profili
praks na razdelku "Inland", prijavnice pa na razdelku
Informacije in prijave:
Studentska organizacija Univerze v Ljubljani, Mednarodna pisarna,
Kersnikova 4, 1000 Ljubljana, tel. (01)433-72-19, e-posta:
POSEBNO OBVESTILO: Vabilo na predstavitev American College of Management &
Technology Dubrovnik (Ljubljana, Maribor, 9. februar 2001)
Vabimo vas, da udelezite predstavitve American College of Management &
Technology Dubrovnik, ki bo potekala
9. februarja 2001
v Ljubljani, Hotel Slon, Slovenska 34 ob 13.30 uri
v Mariboru, Kibla, Narodni dom, Kneza Koclja 9 ob 18.30 uri.
Drzavljani RS, ki so zainteresirani za vpis na dodiplomski studij in se
bodo prijavili ter najbolje opravili sprejemne izpite, bo ACMT (ki je del
Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York, ZDA) omogocil tudi
financno pomoc.
Vec o samem kolidzu, studijskih programih in pogojih vpisa na spletni
SRCINFO je projekt programa Studentski informacijski center SRCe, ki
ga je leta 1995 ustanovil Open Society Institute-Slovenia. Od januarja 2000
ga izvaja in organizira Mednarodna pisarna SOU v Ljubljani, Kersnikova 4,
Ljubljana, tel. 01/433 72 19, faks 01/433 33 48.
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