WHATEVER... The steez-fleed from me when i flowed-to bleed>>>a blow caught the corner of my eyebrow-i died while my soul hopped a breath of fresh mountain air-who knows what lies ahead holds maybe we could live in peace instead of counting death-tolls i doubt it [i mean>>>??]-we all are clouded-founded on a base meant to crumble mankind wasnt put here to kill and stand in sand to stumble If prophets did exist i hope they only missed by accident -[HOW COULD THEY IN A WORLD FILLED WITH?...]-self conceided presidents bathed in self indulgence and decadence its lit up in candescence-my essence is the quality that sees through lies led to believe founded democracy moment of clarity-i reach my peak at a sudden spurt and blurt a nervous laughter till i cry and my stomach hurts Once the pain sets-i allow the sweat to DRY UP kind of how we use to TIE UP blacks and burn their pride up is it a sense of off-balance that gives a racist that upper hand?.... or the fact that talents gone to waste and hes tasted blood from a dying man?... [{World issues are liek tissues-add a layer for strength-we're 2 PLY but as soon as the snot hits- humankind>>>scatters- and our roots die...}] -Special K one*