The dr. Anton Debeljak Primary School

Hrib 101 1318 Loski Potok

Tel.:,Fax: (061) 867 - 010

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"The beast peace is at school when there is no school and there is a day off. The off-days are the most thorough and successsful means of peace. On holidays the agitation moves out of school and then the beloved Mother moans and grows angry and quarrels why there is no school. Mother loves peace as well and says she can hardly wait for the school to start again and her ears can cool down. Let there be peace at home, says Mother, but as to her, at school there can be war ashore, at sea and in the air.

The flower of peace blooms lushly everywhere, at home and at school; there is but peace at school and at home.

(F.Milicinski, Scout Peter - Assignment on peace)

The Founder

The founder of The Dr. Anton Debeljak Primary school is the Loski Potok Commune. The act of the foundation of the public educational establishement - The Dr. Anton Debeljak Primary School Loski Potok (Ur. List RS st. 57/95)

The school and nursery - school district

The school and nursery-school district of the primary school embraces the following hamlets and villages: Crni Potok off Draga, Draga, Hrib - Loski Potok, Lazec, Mali Log, Novi Kot, Podplanina, Podpreska, Pungert, Retje, Srednja vas - Loski Potok, Srednja vas off Draga, Stari Kot, Segova vas, Trava, Travnik. The Dr. Anton Debeljak Primary school takes the responsibility for carrying out the educational and nursing programs for all the children of the commune of Loski Potok.

The organisation of school work

The primary school is organised as a complete indenpendent primary school which includes also:

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