Logo hostelling int Dijaski dom Tabor

Youth hostel - Dijaski dom Tabor
Vidovdanska 7
1000 Ljubljana

Dvorisce dijaskega doma Dvorisce dijaskega doma

Youth hostel is open: 25.6-27.8; 06.00-23.00hrs
Accommodation: 59 beds in 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4 rooms with central shower and WC
Sports grounds: volleyball, handball and basketball courts
Bus and railway station: Ljubljana 500m
Local bus: No.5 near hostel

The hostel is situated close to the central railway and bus station (see map), nevertheless in the quiet and green area.

Sports grounds and safe parking available.

The medieval castle dominating the Ljubljana valley and the picturesque old town may be reached within 15 mins walk.

The hostel service meets the requirements of I.Y.H.F., bed and breakfast for members at SIT 2.450 (DEM 25), non-members SIT 3000 (DEM 30), for single room 3500 SIT (DEM 35) for three-four bedroom without breakfast.

Dijaski dom Tabor

+386 (61) 321-067 (Phone)
+386 (61) 321-060 (Fax)


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