A quick note about these pages...

These pages were tested for Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer.

The pages use standard HTML 3.0 syntax with tables, JavaScript and ISO Latin 2 character set (Windows-1250 code page).

Here is the list of known problems:

Netscape Navigator:

Versions 2.0 and 2.01 have a problem with showing icons at the bottom of pages because a bug causes JavaScript to be improperly interpreted. Note that this problem doesn't occur very often and can be solved by closing and reloading Netscape. Version 3.0 doesn't have these problems.

Internet Explorer:

Version 2.0 has a problem showing International - in this case - ISO Latin 2 character set. It also doesn't support tables. Pages with tables can be normally viewed but the tables are not visible. Version 3.0 still has a problem showing ISO Latin 2 character set.

We have provided a separate note regarding general problems with Latin 2 character set.

If you have any further troubles with viewing these pages, or if you have a comment or a question, please contact the author.