Tanja Rener, Ph. D.

Senior lecturer of sociology of family and sociology of gender

Member of editorial board, Problemi-Eseji

Vice Chair, Slovene Sociological Association
National Co-Ordinator for Women Studies (Council of Europe)
Member, International Sociological Association
Member, European Sociological Association
Member, European Network for Women Studies

Fields of interest: sociology of family, women studies, sociology of everyday life, youth studies


1996, (co-author), Predah za študentsko mladino (Time-out for the studying youth). Ljubljana: Zavod za šolstvo R Slovenije

1995, (co-ed.) Družine: različne-enakopravne (Families: different, equal). Ljubljana: Vitrum

1991, (ed.), Ženska-politika-družina (Woman-politics-family). ČKZ: 136-137

1991, (co-author, co-ed.) Ženske, zasebno, politično (Women, privately, politically). Ljubljana: ZPS