Mirjana Ule, Ph. D.

Professor of social psychology

Member of editorial board, School Field (Educational Research Institute, Ljubljana)
Member of editorial board, Psihološka obzorja/Horizons of Psychology (Slovenian Association of Psychologists)
Member or research committee, European Directory of Youth Research (Council of Europe)

Fields of interest: social psychology, psychology of the youth, women studies


in print, (with Miro Kline) Psihologija tržnega komuniciranja (Psychology of market communications). Ljubljana: FDV

1996, (co-author) Predah za študentsko mladino (Time-out for the studying youth). Ljubljana: Zavod za šolstvo

1995, (with Vlado Miheljak) Pri/ehodnost (Future/Passage). Ljubljana: DZS

1994, Temelji socialne psihologije (Basics of social psychology). Ljubljana: ZIPS

1993, Psihologija vsakdanjega življenja (Psychology of everyday life). Ljubljana: ZIPS

1992, Socialna psihologija (Social psychology). Ljubljana: ZIPS

1990, (with Tanja Rener and Nuša Ferligoj) Ženske, zasebno, politično (Women, privately, politically). Ljubljana: ZIPS

1988, Mladina in ideologija (Youth and ideology). Ljubljana: DE

1986, Od krize psihologije h kritični psihologiji (From the crisis in psychology to critical psychology). Ljubljana: DE