Titles are given in their original languages.
Books marked with an asterisk are out of print.
*Pascal BONITZER, Le champs aveugle
*Georges DUBY, Les trois ordres ou l'imaginaire du féodalisme
*Louis ALTHUSSER, Philosophie et la philosophie spontanéedes
*Jean-Pierre VERNANT, Les origines de la pensée gre`cque
*Jacques LE GOFF, Pour un autre moyen âge
*Jean CAZENEUVE, Sociologie du rite
*Alain GROSRICHARD, Structure de sérail
*Claude LÉVI-STRAUSS, Le regard éloigné
*Pierre VIDAL-NAQUET, Le chasseur noir
*Jean-Claude GARDIN, Une archéologie théorique
Titles are given in their original languages.
Books marked with an asterisk are out of print.
Lev S. KLEJN, Arheologieeskie istoeniki
Alberto TENENTI, Il senso della morte e l'amore della vita nel
Moses I. FINLEY, The Ancient Economy
Georges CANGUILHEM, Le normal et le pathologique
Gisela BOCK, Die "andere" Arbaiterbewegung in den
USA von 1905-1922
*Sigmund FREUD, Metapsyhological Essays (selection by editor)
Georges DUMEZIL, L'idéologie tripartie des Indo-européens
Oswald DUCROT, Le dire et le dit
Lev S. KLEJN, Archaeological Typology
*Max WEBER, Die Protestantische Ethik und der Geist des
Titles are given in their original languages.
Books marked with an asterisk are out of print.
*Fernand BRAUDEL, Civilisation matérielle, économie et
capitalisme, XVe-XVIIIe sie`cle, Tôme I: Les structures
du quotidien: Le possible et l'impossible
*Robin FOX, The Red Lamp of Incest
Alexandre KOYRÉ, From the Closed World to the Infinite
Andre LEROI-GOURHAN, Le geste et la parole, I
Jacques DERRIDA, Le voix et le phénome`ne
Donald DAVIDSON, Research on Truth and Interpretation (selection
by editor)
Miroslav CERVENKA, Z veeerni školy versologie
Arnaldo MOMIGLIANO, Essays on Historiography I (selection
by editor)
*Jürgen HABERMAS, Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit
*Émile BENVENISTE, Proble`mes de la linguistique générale,
Titles are given in their original languages.
Books marked with an asterisk are out of print.
Roman JAKOBSON, Linguistic and Other Essays (selection
by editor)
Arnaldo MOMIGLIANO, Essays on Historiography (selection by
Anthony GIDDENS, New Rules of Sociological Method
Francois FURET, Penser la révolution française
*Fernand BRAUDEL, Civilisation matérielle, économie et
capitalisme, XVe-XVIIIe sie`cle, Tôme II, Les jeux de
Sigmund FREUD, Der kleine Hans; Der Wolfsmann
John L. AUSTIN, How to Do Things with Words
Perry ANDERSON, Passages from Antiquity to Feudalism
*Meyer SCHAPIRO, Essays on History of Art (selection by
Titles are given in their original languages.
Roland BARTHES, L'ancienne rhétorique; Éléments de
Ranuccio BIANCHI-BANDINELLI, Dall'Ellenismo al Medioevo
Roman INGARDEN, Das Literarische Kunstwerk
Ernst H. GOMBRICH, Essays on History of Art (selection by
André LEROI-GOURHAN, Le geste et la parole, II
Perry ANDERSON, Lineages of the Absolutist State
Paul VEYNE, L'élegie érotique romaine
Titles are given in their original languages.
Philippe ARIE`S, L'enfant et la vie familiale sous l'Ancien
Hans BELTING, Das Bild und sein Publikum im Mittelalter
Fernand BRAUDEL, Civilisation matérielle, économie et
capitalisme, XVe-XVIIIe sie`cle, Tôme III: Le temps du
Gilles DELEUZE, L'image-mouvement
Kurt BLAUKOPF, Musik im Wandel der Gesellschaftaft
Émile DURKHEIM, Suicide; Incest
Titles are given in their original languages.
Roland BARTHES, La chambre claire
Jack GOODY, The Interface between the Written and the Oral
Eugenio GARIN, Essays on Humanism and Rennaissance
(selection by editor)
Georg SIMMEL, Grundfragen der Soziologie
Roberto LEYDI, L'altra musica
Titles are given in their original languages.
Peter BURKE, The French Historical Revolution
Francoise ZONABEND, La mémoire longue
Claude LÉVI-STRAUSS, Race et histoire; Le totémisme
Erwin PANOFSKY, Meaning in the Visual Arts
André CHASTEL, Le sac de Rome, 1527
Sigmund FREUD, Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtheorie
Titles are given in their original languages.
A. Reginald RADCLIFFE-BROWN, Structure and Function in
Primitive Society
Giovanni LEVI, L'eredita` immateriale
Marcel MAUSS, Essai sur le don (and other Essays, selected
by editor) (in print)
Bronislaw GEREMEK, History of Poverty in Middle Ages (in
Michel VOVELLE, Idéologie et mentalité (in print)
Reinhart KOSELLECK, Die Vergangene Zukunft (in print)
Titles are given in their original languages.
Bronisaw MALINOWSKI, A Scientific Theory of Culture and
Other Essays
Michael BAXANDALL, Painting and Experience in 15th Century
Edward SAID, Orientalism: Western Conceptions of the Orient
Sigmund FREUD, Traumdeutung (in print)
Marc BLOCH, L'Apologie pour l'histoire (in print)
Ferdinand de SAUSSURE, Cours de linguistique générale
(in print)