SPD Erazem


Naslanjaško popotništvo


Around the world in 80 clicks
The Travel Channel
Adventure travel directory
American Society of Travel Agents
Europe Online - Travel
GNN Travel
Infohub Virtual Traveller
Travel Page
Virtual Tourist
Pathfinder travel
USA from coast to coast
USA CityLink
Intertours Slovenia
CIA World Factbook U.S. State Department Travel Warnings
Informacije o vizah in konzularnih predstavništvih - Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve RS
Slovenia - Useful Info (turistične informacije)


Rail Europe
Railroad Timetables
The RailServer
CTU Railway Page
Vozni red Adria Airways
rec.travel newsgroup rec.travel arhiv

EARTHZdravstvene informacije za popotnike

CDC travel health information
MCW travel health information
Stanford Travel Medicine Service
Travel Health Online

EARTHPopotništvo, mladinski turizem

The Internet guide to hostelling
United Hostels of Europe
Hostelling International
Hostels Europe
WTN Australia
Backpacking in Australia
American Institute For Foreign Study
Student and budget travel
Campus travel
The World Youth and Student Travel Conference

EARTHTuristični vodniki

Lonely Planet
Let's Go
Rough Guides
The Backpacker Guide

EARTHO Sloveniji in Ljubljani

Virtual Slovenia
Zemljevid Ljubljane in Slovenije
Slovenski kraji in mesta
Slovenski muzeji
Univerza v Ljubljani Univerza v Mariboru
Mladinski turizem v Sloveniji - ŠOU
ŠOU International Office - Reception Program
Soča rafting Top Extreme

EARTHŠe nekatere koristne informacije

Informacije ŠOU
Vremenska napoved Weather movies Weather links Yahoo Weather The WeatherLab
Telefonski imenik PIRS
Tečajna lista Banke Slovenije SKB N-LB Malo drugačna tečajna lista

EARTHSplošno iskanje

Slovene Resources WWW Servers Starting points
Yahoo! Lycos Magellan WebCrawler Alta Vista InfoSeek WWW Worm CUI W3 Catalog Inktomi Open Text WWW Virtual Library

Za dodatne informacije pišite na naslov: erazem@guest.arnes.si
Zadnja sprememba 29.4.1997 WebDaemon

TICSPD Erazem ŠOU Turizem