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Study of Comparative Literature

  1. Information for Undergraduate Students
    1. Admission
    2. Course Work
    3. Assessment
  2. Information for Graduate Students
  3. Additional Facilities

1. Information for Undergraduate Students

1.1 Admission

For legal issues regarding admission and required application forms please contact University of Ljubljana Registration Center (Vpisni center Univerze v Ljubljani) or, if you are already a student of the Faculty of Arts, Students' Referee's Office at the Faculty of Arts (5th floor).

Comparative literature and literary theory can be studied at the Faculty of Arts either as a single subject or combined with other subjects taught at the Faculty of Arts (i.e. Slavonic, Germanic or Romance languages, history of art, musicology, philosophy sociology of culture etc.), or combined with subjects taught at other faculties (i.e. journalism, dramaturgy, theology). Candidates who have graduated from a Slovene four-year high school and have an adequate knowledge of two foreign languages can apply. Each year, 50 students are accepted although the number of applicants is usually higher. Therefore the candidates are selected according to their marks in the last two years of high school and their graduation exam. Candidates who did not take the graduation exam, have to pass an entrance test where they show their knowledge of Slovene literature, world literature and literary theory. Foreing students who graduated from a school comparable to slovene4-year high schools can apply but have to take an exam in Slovene language proficiency.

1.2 Course Work

The course offers seminars, lectures and written work and consists of 5 years. Students have up to 750 hours of lectures and seminars per year in their first, second and third year, rather fewer in their forth year. In their fifth year, the students write their dissertation and take the remaining exams, but do not attend lectures and seminars. Joint honours students take cca. 12 hours per week, whereas students who take comparative literature as single subject have to take cca. 25. They are obliged to take additional courses in Slovene language and stylistics, Slovene literature and other Slavonic literatures, and two foreign languages. All students have to take some general courses organized by various departments of the Faculty of Arts.

Major courses:

Comparative literature explores the relationship between the literatures of different national cultures and languages. It investigates mutual influences, styles, movements, sources, themes etc., and is concerned with the interrelationships of philosophy and æsthetics; and the development of literary forms and genres. It also denotes itself to the study of Slovene literature, its position in European and international literary movements. Literary theory focuses on the basic problems of literay art, its characteristics, origin and principles. It deals with the existence of literature, the form of literary works and their essence.

1.3 Assessment

Assessment is made by written work and examinations (a total of cca 25 are taken before completing a degree, rather more - cca 35 - for single subject students). All exams consist of an individual oral examination, sometimes it is combined with a written exam. Students are required to show their ability to understand and interpret literary texts in seminars and in the final dissertation where they display their creative talent and research ability. The assessment of candidate's work in seminars is based on their oral participation and their written work. Candidates are required to present and defend their dissertation in the presence of the defense committee. Students who take comparative literature as a single subject are required to write two dissertations. After finishing their studies, the students are granted the title of B.A. in Comparative Literature.

2. Information for Graduate Students

Candidates for postgraduate studies who did not take their degree in comparative literature must pass an entrance exam in theory and methods of comparative literature. Foreign students have to take an exam in Slovene language proficiency. Postgraduate studies at Comparative Literature Department are not free of charge, but a number of financial aids, fellowships and research grants are available.

Each student's interest will dictate a different course of study, which should be planned out in close consultation with the adviser. It includes individual courses, oral and written examinations. Interdisciplinary courses realised in conjunction with other departments of University of Ljubljana are possible. The degree is completed with a Master's thesis and the candidate is granted the title of M.A. in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory.

Candidates who are either M.A.'s or have an adequate amount of published papers can enrol for a Ph.D. degree, propose a topic, and after the successful dissertation defense gain the title of Ph.D. in Literary Sciences.

3. Additional Facilities

Comparative litererature department provides mentorship, recommendations for grants, advice and recommendations on future employment. But our students can also use all the facilities offered at the Faculty of Arts. They can use department's library as well as all the libraries of other departments of the Faculty. Reading rooms, computer rooms and student counselling are offered. The status of a regular student also ensures free, full-covered medical insurance and enables a student to apply for a room in the campus.

This page is mantained by Jan Jona Javorsek.
Last modification: 13-May 1996