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Managing Director: Neda Pagon
Distribution and orders: Igor Španjol

ISH publishing unit Studia humanitatis originated as a series of translations of the most important 20th century works in the humanities. When it was founded in 1985, it was the first regular publishing venture in Slovenia that did not occur within the "official" publishing system. Having joined ISH in 1991, it developed further series.

Series published by Studia humanitatis:

A series of important 20th century works in the humanities
Year: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

A series on various topics of the humanities by Slovene and foreign authors

A series of scientific works on various topics of the humanities by Slovene authors

Editor of all editions: Zoja Skušek

More information on Studia humanitatis editions can be found on the Index of Humanities and Social Sciences page.