Information resources at ARNES


General services
Services for ARNES community
Services by protocol

General services

These services are offered not only to ARNES customers, they are also extended to other service providers in Slovenia:

Domain name registration under .si TLD
Top level DNS for all Slovenian networks
Top level X.500 DSA for Slovenia
USENET News feeds to ARNES customers and also to members of SIX (Slovenian Internet eXchange). As a result of this agreement ARNES is currently providing USENET News access to all commercial service providers in Slovenia.
SI-CERT (Slovenian Computer Emergency and Response Team) coordinating incident handling involving domains under .si TLD and serving as an information entry point for other CERTs worldwide.

Services for ARNES community

As a national provider for the academic, research and educational community, ARNES offers the following services to its customers:

Connection via a leased line to ARNES backbone
Dial-up access using PPP via an account on the ARNES server, including all common Internet services. ARNES Dial-up access points are covering all the phone areas in Slovenia.
User-support center (Email:, USENET News:, Voice phone: +386 61 125-4455) covering areas such as:
  • Solutions to various user-side problems with Intermet services
  • TCP/IP configuration on various platforms
  • Configuring DNS, Email, Web and other servers
  • Suggestion of appropriate security measures to apply on a customer's network

Services by protocol

FTP (see ARNES FTP Archive Guide)
WWW servers
WWW gateways:
MBONE router
USENET News server (
IRC server (
WAIS indexes:

Users who are new to the Net, may want to learn more about WWW, or read some introductory texts on the Internet:

* EEF's (Extended) Guide to the Internet (Ed 2.3, September 1994)
* Hitchhiker's guide to the Internet (via FTP)
* EARN's Guide to Network Resource Tools (gzipped Postscript file)
* WWW Handbook

ARNES Contact Information, August 97