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Mednarodno sodelovanje in mednarodni tabori
Mednarodni tabori YEE
YEE Camp Enquiry 2000
Worldwide Young Researchers for the Enviroment
Young European's Enviromental Research
The International Sience Olimpiads
Regionalni centri
Regionalni center ZOTKS Murska Sobota


It is an association of local or communal and city ZOTK organizations and professional associations, societies and unions at national level as well.

It links societies, their unions, associations and other organizations in the area of technical culture in general sense, and in particular in planning, coordinating and implementing tasks and programmes of the public interest.

The highest authority is the Assembly of the ZOTKS, composed of representatives of ZOTKS members. The executive body is a fifteen-member Administrative Board of the ZOTKS. The ZOTKS also includes the Supervisory Board and other bodies

Lepi pot 6, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
Tel: +386 (0)1-2513-727,4250 775

Chairman: prof. dr. Tomaž Slivnik

Secretary General : Rado Stojanovič



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