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Mednarodno sodelovanje in mednarodni tabori
Mednarodni tabori YEE
YEE Camp Enquiry 2000
Worldwide Young Researchers for the Enviroment
Young European's Enviromental Research
The International Sience Olimpiads
Regionalni centri
Regionalni center ZOTKS Murska Sobota

The camp will be: a national camp

Name of the camp: Students of Biology Research Camp – Cerkno ‘2000

Country: Slovenia

Place: Cerkno

Dates: from      26.7.2000  to  5.8. 2000

Short description: describe the camp. The camp is designed to review and improve the knowledge obtained at university, but with real field experience.  Results from the camp will form a part of an inventory of flora and fauna of Slovenia. The camp, based in a small town, increases  awareness of ecological issues and introduces science to youth and the general public. The basic goal of the camp is to demonstrate expert work in the fields of natural science. This represents a foundation for caring for the environment and presenting the biodiversity of the area to the local community.

The camp will consist of several groups working in botany, odonatology, ornithology, chiropterology, lepidopterology, araneology, herpetology and a group for small mammals and ektopararasites. These groups will cover many branches of biology and ecology and will provide an overall image and current status of the local environment. Participants will conduct censuses, gather species samples and document findings. Research also includes laboratory work and analysis of collected material.

Topic of the camp: research of fauna and flora in Cerkno

The main idea and aim of the camp: All groups will continue with researches from all previous camps.

Brief description of where the camp is situated: The camp will go on in the area around Cerkno (western Slovenia)

The camp is organised by: Association for Technical Culture of Slovenia-Zveza za tehnično kulturo Slovenije, Lepi pot 6, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija.

Number of participants:  up to 20  (50 from Slovenia)            Age limits:    19 - 26

Working language(s): Slovene and English.

Price and what it includes: aprox. 100 DM

Information about food & accommodation: We will sleep and have meals in a local school.

Conditions, e.g. special knowledge / interest:  Participants should be students of biology or related studies. It is desired that they have some pervious knowledge in some of the research fields. Please, write which is your group of interest, and what are your experiences till now.

What participants are to take with them? Sleeping bag, shoes and clothes for filed work.

Deadline for application: 9.6.2000

Other information of importance: All participants will be informed by mail and they must confirm their participation to the contact person

More information is obtainable from: Mr. Marijan Govedič +386 62 710-002.

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